Thread - > Agree that resilience has taken on elements as a 'buzzword; disagree that it is capacity bc it encompasses resources only & ignores person-interactions. Capacity defn are also silent on the necessary and sufficient conditions that characterise the concept 1/n
Consider the defn of resilience as a capacity of individuals to withstand or bounce back from adversity. What do all exemplars of this capacity possess (necessary condition)? What are the properties that only exemplars of this capacity possess (sufficient condition)? 2/n
In the absence of answers to these questions – so the clarification of the conceptual theme of resilience as a capacity - the list of possible knowledge, skills, abilities, & other attributes that characterise this capacity is potentially limitless. 3/n
Integration of existing perspectives – capacities, processes, and outcomes – with temporal dynamics offers a refined conceptualisation of resilience as one that emerges over time as a result of person-situation interactions 4/n
In you agree that person-situations are essential info, emergent resilience reflects a system’s trajectory of functioning following exposure to heightened risk or vulnerability (i.e., stressors or adversities) 5/n
Exactly what constitutes an indicator of emergent resilience depends on context (eg, stressor, life domain) and time (eg, short v long-term recovery); for example, well-being might be a salient indicator of functioning for children whose parents are undergoing a divorce... 6/n
...whereas work productivity might be an appropriate indicator of functioning for employees during a period in which they are dealing with substantial work demands 7/n
Conceptual precision is fundamentally important for operationalising a concept synergistically via method and analysis -> high-quality data to inform pragmatic and scalable interventions for optimising emergent resilience 8/n
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