Workout | 45 days

Also will share random thoughts along with the status.
+1 | Running (yesterday's entry)
+2 | #Running

I generally do a 200m sprint before finishing my run. And the immediate after effect is just so therapeutic. I would like to experience that more in the rest of the day.
+3 | #Running

I went to Nanital for a cycling trip few years back. And the bicycle I was riding had a sticker on it which said "SHUT UP LEGS!!". I get reminded of that sticker a lot when I run.

#100DaysOfX #100daysoffitness
+4 | #Running

Nothing is permanent, so is the feel attached with every run. Every run is different so let's just focus on one run at a time.

#OneRunAtATime #100DaysOfX #100daysOfFitness
+5 | #workout

I never thought I will look at a video and will work out along with that. But wait, I also never thought I will tweet about working out.

@BeCureFit @JontyRhodes8

#100daysoffitness #100DaysOfX
+6 | #workout

There is peace in this silence. I like it. And it requires persistence to maintain that peace. I wish that for all of us.

#100DaysOfX #100daysoffitness
+7 | #yoga

Beginning is the toughest. The rest follows on its own.


#100DaysOfX #100daysoffitness
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