Defund the #FortWayne police? ABOLISH the Fort Wayne police?!

YES, and here is how that might look.

A (long) thread:
Before the how, let's look at the why. Policing in the United States stems largely from slave patrols, and almost entirely for the purpose of controlling populations of people of color. It has a disgusting, racist, evil history that cannot be ignored.
Further, police are trained to think this way. Trained to be sheepdogs, there to protect the sheep (us), from the wolves (criminals). Trained to believe criminals are innately evil, not members of society who need help & their basic needs met. Watch this:
Ok, so, cops bad. Yeah, we get it. What can we do?? A city can't just disband their police department!

Well, they can, and have. It happened 8 years ago in Camden, NJ, and 20 years ago in Compton, CA. These forces were disbanded and shifted to the county.
Read more on Camden, the more recent city to do this, and you will find that it helped their city! Violent crime went down!

But, problems still exist. This move was largely political, and not focused on the needs of community. And THAT is where we will begin.
Step 1: Establish two task forces and immediately adopt the #8cantwait guidelines (and stricter punishments for officers and ending qualified immunity if we can).

The Community Needs Task Force - through City Council

The Divest/Invest Task Force - through office of the mayor
The Community Needs Task Force

This task force is tasked with identifying the greatest needs of communities in our city, especially those most effected by police violence & institutionalized racism. Hold town halls, conduct surveys, ask community leaders.
The Divest/Invest Task Force...

is tasked with researching & identifying evidence-based ways to manage the complete divestment of police then shifting & investing those funds into alternative, new ways of meeting community needs & keeping people safe. Google CAHOOTS for one.
The Fort Wayne city budget is usually proposed late summer or early fall & approved within a few months. That results in a little over one year to identify community needs & find alternative ways to community safety & meeting needs. How do we pay for it? idrc, but since you asked
I don't know how much that work would cost, but there is a lot of money that could be spent on this rather than the terrifying and unnecessary police equipment on page 20 of the city budget. So, that's how.
At the same time these are being carried out, begin the defunding of the FWPD to ease the transition to complete abolition. That means the 2021 budget appropriates MUCH less to police, and MUCH more to community needs and safety.
If these task forces can finish their duties by 1/1/21, with the budget in place, we can move to step 2.

Note, these dates may not be possible. This is a hard thing to do, and we are in a pandemic. But even if the time period is shifted, you can still do it.
Step 2: Divest/Invest

With the benefits of the findings of the task forces, identify four major areas/community needs that generally fall under police responsibility, but will now be handled elsewhere. Through new agencies, community initiatives, etc.
What those will be & how those will look? Idk, that is why the task forces are there.

They may result in a new safety force that assists with mental health crises & homelessness, expansion of the street dept to assist with traffic accidents, a center to help with addiction, etc
Build into the budget a reprogramming schedule, taking place quarterly, to shift appropriations from police to these new alternative safety programs that meet community needs. Divest/Invest. A significant portion of the police as we know it will be eliminated and replaced.
Some will still exist though. You may say this is enough. I disagree. Remember, these police forces are deeply rooted in racism, they need to be completely eliminated, replaced with new ways of meeting community needs and keeping people safe.
Step 3: Establish a joint task force with city council and the office of the mayor: The Public Safety Task Force will...

During the time funds are being shifted, identify specific ways to eliminate the remainder of the police force and replace it with a new safety force.
Again, I don't know exactly how that will work or look, but that is what the task force is there for.

Using the time frame I laid out (although flexible) this brings us to 1/1/22 and the final step.
Step 4: Abolish the police.

Using another reprogramming schedule, each month divest a portion of the remaining police force and invest in the new safety force model formed by the Public Safety Task Force. By 1/1/23, no more police.
A few things to note/consider and opinions from me (well, I guess most of this is my opinion, but anyway):

Q: Should police officers be able to be rehired to the new safety force?

A: No.

Q: Should the new safety force be armed?

A: No.
Q: Should an officer transition program be set up to help former police find new jobs and receive mental health care to assist there transition back to civilian life?

A: Yes, but only after meet the needs of all oppressed people's mental health, needs, etc. first.
Q: Should all of this be done in the open, with public input and the ability to attend/stream meetings, comment, and ask questions?

A: Yes
One more thing. All of this would go SO MUCH EASIER with things like #M4A, a UBI, protections for workers, college for all, better funded schools (no more property tax BS), cancelling medical debt, cancelling student loan debt, guaranteed housing and food, etc.
A little disclaimer: I am not a policy expert, or lawyer, or politician, or anything - just a dude with some time and a computer. Even so, this is more than our leaders have done. Keep protesting, listening, learning, voting, and caring. We will win in the end

End of thread.
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