Avatar opinions because @vegi_tori_an asked.
1. I didn't watch this as a kid because I was already a huge weeb and fucked hard with Air elementals. When I found out Aang was the LAST AIRBENDER, I was like fuck that noise. Whole clique roll through or none of us.
2. Love how gender friendly this show is. Sexism gets called out in like minute 2 of the series. Half the battles are 15 year old girls going ham on each other and other dudes. It's very inclusive for disabilities too, Toph is a wonderfully written chatacter.
3. I dont understand how there aren't more weebs? Like this is just Nickelodeon Anime. Same tropes and archetypes. I assume it's those "I cant read subtitles and watch a show" racist bitches.
4. First Book while fun is basically all filler. You get the sense for characters really early on. It could honestly be the first few episodes, the Zuko backstory, then immediately the Northern Water kingdom. You wouldn't miss anything of value. (Save jet who gets reintro'd)
5. YOKED IROH THO. Holy shit what a development.
6. I just finished so everything past this is very light spoilers. But overall I enjoyed Avatar and could get why people enjoy it as their first anime. It's a great gateway into the genre.
7. Season preference for me is 2 > 3 > 1. For a show written during the great writers strike I have to give it mad credit. The filler in season 3 just felt like a slap in the face. The episode right before the 4 part finale is emblematic of the biggest problem I have...
8. The show is bad at pairing lol. Any basic tumblr shipper can tell you that KataraxZuko had a perfect enemies to lovers arc. Zuko is single as of the last moments of the finale and Katara during the play episode makes it very clear Aang is not bae. Ugh.
9. Anyway I need a new anime to watch now, please vote. If you have any other suggestion I'd be down. Reply below. Should I watch Korra? I heard a lot of shit talk when it came out but idk if I should trust that.
10. Doing Korra and then FMA. Finished the first few episodes. Aang gene's are strong as FUCK. Love Korra, a very fun Rey like predecessor. I would pay money for anyone to explain me the rules of the bending league from that first match. How'd they win a 1-2 deficit???
11. I'm a huge slut for the "this scarf is important to me" trope. Mikasa from Attack on Titan is a queen and now so is Mako.
12. Finished Season 1 of Korra. GREAT. Flaws: No one really has to deal with loss of bending. The heroes journey is completed in like a minute and a half. Also I know about KorrAsami so KorraxMako is just funny. You dont want HIM girl. You want HIS girl.
13. Gonna keep posting weeb things in this thread for recommendations for my less weeb inclined friends. Finished Korra. It's good! I just feel the show would be better mixed around. Like if the events of the first season were the events of the last. 1>3>4>2 as far as seasons go.
14. Finished Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Good series, lacked in the middle. It's this weird combo of political thriller and then shounen anime. I honestly lost interest until the end where everything came together so nicely and felt solid and organic. 8/10.
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