why y'all should stan purplebeck

a thread, because I'm tired of y'all sleeping on talent.
Live Vocals.
For a rookie group their live vocals are pretty good.
This video was released one month after their debut
this was their debut stage where they sang live as well! (and the moonwalk.. we should appreciate it)
they're also pretty good dancers. Literally 5 main dancers
here's another video to prove my point
They are not only super talented but also super pretty. Look at them being a whole visual group
They also care A LOT about their fans (Beckies). They try to reply to every post they see and are very active on fancafe. If we have a problem or are in a bad mood, they always manage to cheer us up
Purplebeck also respect the LGBT Community and openly speak about it. Here's a video of yeowool, replying to a fan, saying that she respects the LGBT community
Purplebeck were one of the few Kpop Groups that spoke about BLM. I know, that should be normalized but I think it's nice that a small rookie group spoke about it https://twitter.com/PURPLEBECK1/status/1268143456041328640?s=19
"We beck we purplebeck" Their most iconic line. I can't believe y'all slept on it
[ Dream Line ]
Crystal Ball, their debut song, was really one of the best debut songs. Change my mind
I have to add Mare as well because it's my favorite Purplebeck song and they really snapped. I've never heard something like this from Purplebeck before and they did a really great job.
(Random Fact but Yeowool is a fan of "Kard", she even hang up posters of them, and Mini is a fan of "Day6" ! https://twitter.com/PURPLEBECK1/status/1228309924179922945?s=19
Well, I guess that's it. In conclusion: STOP. SLEEPING. ON. THEM.
They're super talented and are working so hard and they're always there for their fans. There's no reason not to stan and you really miss something out.
You can follow @ohmypurplebeck.
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