can i just say how much i ADORE hwanwoong like there’s just so much i admire about him and it’s not just his looks. hwanwoong is short and mnet hates his guts but that literally doesn’t stop him from carrying out his dreams. he doesn’t give a flying fuck about when people tease +
him about his height bc he PROVES to everyone that being short isn’t a fucking setback. he admires his height and even tho he’s small, his dreams and actions are so damn big and that’s what i admire about him. he works so fucking hard to do what he loves and i wanna be able to +
do the same. not in the same industry but in the way that he just works so hard despite what he’s been through and all those setbacks. he just keeps working harder and harder to prove to himself that he’s more than worthy of other people’s words and he does what he does +
to make HIMSELF happy, not anyone else. it’s amazing to me how strong willed he is because most people including myself would have given up. but hwanwoong just gets right back up and dusts himself off and tries again and pushes even harder than before. i love hwanwoong for that
this thread isn’t anywhere near as heartfelt as the one i was tryna tweet before twitter crashed n in holding a grudge against twt for that
i hope hwanwoong sees this thread so he can know how much of an inspiration and a role model he is to me. i aspire to have his motivation and dedication since he’s so passionate about music and dance.
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