There has been a shift in the force. I posted @jk_rowling’s new blog post on FB last night along with examples of some of the hateful tweets she’s received. Usually such posts are ignored by my friends, but last night I got a lot of interest, mostly positive. Lots of support 1/
from friends I’ve know all my life & from others I’ve worked with & attended uni with. They liked my posts or commented on their support whereas last week they wouldn’t have acknowledged my posts existed. An old uni friend of mine shared one of my posts to his wall & initially 2/
he also received supportive comments. He works in the theatre as a community arts project director so I was surprised at the number of his fellow luvvies who agree with JK & are disgusted by TRAs harrassement/threats & abuse towards her. It was lovely to see. Then the pile on 3/
began from a trans IDd woman who said she felt she was being branded a monster, was under attack & felt unsafe. She called JKR a vile transphobe & told my friend to ‘fix’ the comments in his thread. I asked her some questions. The usual. I was polite, but to the point. She 4/
resorted to the usual TRA whataboutery tactics & avoided answering my questions. Called me a bigot, that I said she is mentally ill, a fetishist & that all trans people are predatory. She’d latched onto the discussion I had with my friend about AGP MEN & used it to to make it 5/
seem I was attacking her personally. She hadn’t even joined the thread at that point. Others piled on behind her & it turned into a sh*t storm where my friend, his wife & many of his friends witnessed first hand how TRAs operate to bully/threaten & harass GC women into silence 6/
She screen shotted all of my comments, reposted them & notified that Id been reported, told others to do the same & to do everything they cld to get me banned. My friend was ropable at this point. She wanted to know where I worked. Does my employer know Im a bigot & transphobe 7/
& all the while as she’s doing this more of my friends friends were watching & peak transing. One TRA demanded that I show the trans IDd woman respect & call her a man like she wanted. I refused. Told them she’s a transman. I don’t believe in gender identity ideology & that 8/
they were denying me my right to #freedomofexpression. They were attempting to force me to subscribe to a lie & say 2+2=5.
I’ve never aired any of this on FB before. I never got the chance. & if I’m banned by this time tomorrow it will have been worth it bcoz a lot of people 9/
received an education in how toxic, totalitarian & dangerous trans ideology has become, on how hateful some of these people are & how misogynistic & homophobic the whole movement is. I achieved something last night. Baby steps. #WarOnWomen #IStandWithJKRowling #SexMatters End/
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