🧵 Lots of people love Cards Against Humanity (and follow Max Temkin) so let me give you a handful reasons why you should STOP SUPPORTING them immediately.

Max is an abuser. The toxic culture at CAH had horrifying impact on many employees. #CAHisOver
First of all, read Theresa’s ( @atheresastewart) story portraying the experience of the first Black/queer Black woman employee. It’s absolutely harrowing, unacceptable and full of of racism. Thank you for sharing bravely, Theresa. https://twitter.com/atheresastewart/status/1269310742450393089
Then, familiarise yourself with a statement from @anitasarkeesian showcasing even more abusive behaviour and complete refusal to acknowledge and even more so address the issues at CAH. https://twitter.com/anitasarkeesian/status/1270087986038755328
If that’s not enough, CAH tried to put the N-word in their flagship card game. Surprised? I am not. The whole premise is to figure out the most offensive, sexist and racist lines and justify them with ”it’s just a game”. https://twitter.com/realnicocarter/status/1270153497053364224
Or would you like to hear about that time when Max tried to bully his employee out of dating someone because his friend had a crush on the same person. Inappropriate much? What the living fuck. https://twitter.com/elainetall/status/1270114289735667713
Not mentioning Max getting banned from XOXO due to sexual assault allegations. He has made no attempt to remedy the situation at all despite the feedback he was getting. As per @andymcmillan: https://twitter.com/andymcmillan/status/1270874486024179712
If that’s not enough, I recommend reading through the #CAHisOver hashtag, as there’s much more. Stop supporting CAH. Don’t buy their products, don’t give into their fake performative marketing, don’t go to their venues.

To quote Jeremy Frisch, I yield my time, FUCK YOU, CAH.
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