Exposing the myth: “Pep Guardiola is a fraud who inherited the best teams and oil is behind his success in his coaching career.”

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When people look at Pep’s debut season as coach, they use the squad he had at Barça in 2008 as proof that he inherited the greatest team of all time. This is far from the case. Not only were Barça far from the best team of all time, they weren’t even world class.
Before Pep’s arrival, the last major title that Barça had won was the Champions League in 05/06. Trophy-less for 2 seasons. It’s true that the squad that Guardiola “inherited” wasn’t that much different from the CL winning squad, but they were behind their own downfall.
Ronaldinho spent most of his evenings in bars around the country getting drunk and even became overweight. Deco was essentially the same. Loved to party & drink. And a victim of injuries. Rijkaard wasn’t a strict coach that dealt with these issues harshly. He wasn’t inspiring
Pep wasn’t one to fuck around. He had spent just one season in charge of Barça B, and on the day he gives his first press conference as the first team’s coach, what does he say?
"All of the players in the first-team squad last season are of a very high level. But with the technical secretary we are forming a squad and Deco, Ronaldinho, and Eto'o are not in our minds."
These aren’t just ordinary players. They’re among the most popular and best players in history. And a man who spent just one season in charge of a youth team comes in and says they’re free to go. So much for inheritance.
Eto’o was allowed to stay though. Because the tensions in the team under Rijkaard came from Eto’s unhealthy relationship with Ronaldinho. It was a chaotic dressing room. Not much of a team
Pep then decided to promote Busquets, a 20-year-old, who only had experience for the B team. Yet under Pep in the first team, in his first season, he gave Yaya Toure in his prime years a run for his money and took half his game-time
Guardiola made his side play much different to Rijkaard. He focused on possession and implemented the famous press. The midfield trio linked under Pep, unlike the midfield system under Rijkaard. And Busquets was at the helm of it.
All these changes, regular players like Deco, Ronaldinho, Milito, Zambrotta went, replaced with the youth and a couple experienced players. Let’s not forget Pique who was only 21 when Pep signed him and replaced Marquez as the first choice CB
Alves was the only experienced player that Pep signed in his first season in charge who was key to his team. But that’s still not inheritance,is it? Signing a player, improving him and making him a fundamental piece of your team?
So and so, Guardiola went on to win the sextuple. In his first season in a top European league. The only manager to ever do so till date. And the best part was, with the result; came beautiful football. And this still wasn’t the best Barça side ever.
If you ask most Barça fans, they’ll tell you the 2011 Barça team is the best of all time. Which goes to show, Guardiola improves his players and gives more reasoning that he didn’t just inherit the squad that won everything. Despite winning less that season.
His only failure at Bayern wasn’t winning the Champions League, reaching the semi-finals in all 3 seasons. For some reason people love to use that to measure success. It’s the biggest competition in club football, but it’s not the most defining. The league is.
Consistency is more important in club football to determine the best teams. Yes, he’s failed to win it since Barça, but it doesn’t change that narrative. Even Zidane, who won it 3 times in a row says the league is harder to win.
Why is it that Madrid only won the league in one year under Zidane, while they won the Champions League 3 times? In the league you’re tested more often. In the UCL, the bigger teams have the advantage, but you play (max) 1/3rd of the games you play in the league
Winning the league isn’t an excuse for Guardiola’s European failure since leaving Barça, but it goes to show that the Champions League shouldn’t define how good a coach is. Even Ferguson only won two in his almost 3-decade long tenure at United.
Nonetheless at Bayern, Pep installed the same system he did at Barça. It’s true they weren’t as good as his former team. And yes, it’s because he didn’t have players like Xavi, Iniesta, and Messi. But that’s only logical. Nothing to use against him.
He won 3 consecutive league titles at Bayern. Most consecutive wins in Bundesliga history. Most points at the end of the season in Bundesliga history. Most games won in a season Bundesliga history. Fewest goals conceded in a season Bundesliga history.
Then you get people moaning that his success at City comes from spending. Talk all you want about where City gets the money from. Guardiola HAD to spend. And he did it in an inflated market. He replaced an aging team with youth, great talents and he improved them.
Fernando, Zabaleta, Toure, Demichelis, Wright, Sagna - above 31. Even Fernandinho was 31 and Kompany 30. Some of them stayed at City and still play till date. But the signings since then have been to replace the ageing players. And it only makes sense to do it with top players.
Why wouldn’t a top coach buy youngsters and top talents to improve his side? In an inflated market too where £50m today can be comparable to £20m ten years ago. How much more would De Bruyne and Sterling be worth today in comparison to when City signed them?
People also argue that Pep fields players that arrived before him. Some of which were experienced and are clearly capable and a good fit of his system. Why would he bench players like De Bruyne or Kompany when he has them available?
They talk of his signings as if they’re supposed to replace the whole previous starting 11. But one thing you may have noticed is that for Pep, there is no fixed 11. No absolute first team. There are a few main players, but through-out his career he’s believed in a squad.
It’s why we always see City starting various players. It goes un-noticed that the bench always consists of different names. Sometimes players who were started a week ago are benched in the next. He did this at every club.
Finally, let’s not let arrogance get ahead of you, and admit, that Guardiola improves his players. If Messi wasn’t an example, just look at Sterling now. And if you don’t want to look at the past, then also look at Mahrez, De Bruyne, Walker, Fernandinho and so on.
The best coaches go to the best teams to win. And it’s a career. A job. Coaches like Guardiola love what they do, but it’s also his income. I’m sure 99.9% of top coaches wouldn’t choose Stockport County over City to prove themselves to idiots who call him a fraud.
Truth is, Guardiola is disliked because he doesn’t coach your team. And if it’s as easy as spending money and “buying titles”, then United, Liverpool who haven’t spent peanuts compared to City are your answers
Josep Guardiola Sala, the greatest coach in the history of the game. They all doubted him before he came to England. But that bald man defied odds and has dominated every country he has been in.
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