So, with all these claims to the extreme marginalisation of the trans community floating around - and being used to dismiss women as uppity privileged bitches - I thought we'd have a little look at the demographics of the people who created the modern trans rights movement.
In 2005, under Blair, Trevor Phillips was appointed to lead the Equalities Review as part of the process of reforming equality law which yielded the EA2010.

And in turn, the Equalities Review commissioned Stephen Whittle, of Press for Change, to produce this:
'Engendered Penalties' is a report into trans people's experience of discrimination based on two sources of data. Emails received by the Press For Change website and an online survey. It was, at the time, "the largest data collection ever analysed" on the trans community.
What I am particularly interested in here, because I am sick to absolute back teeth of the way the trans rights movement has created a narrative of its own vulnerability by appropriating, above all, the discourse of race, is to look at who these people were.
So, there were 872 respondents to the online survey.

You see those three bars that you can actually see on that graph?

Those are the white people.

They're 97.3% of the respondents.
Here is the sex data.

Of course it's not presented as sex data, but in terms of gender identification.

But we can work out from adding 'MTF trans person' to 'Woman with a transsexual background' that at least 74% of the respondents were male.
Here is the occupational/socio-economic class data.

33% of the respondents were professional class, compared to a UK average of 10.8%.

26% were managerial class, compared to a UK average of 22%.

That is, nearly 60% of respondents were middle or upper middle class.
Now obviously, we cannot assert that the respondents to this survey accurately represents the demographics of the trans community in the mid noughties. Access to computing, having time to dedicate to political activity etc would likely skew the results in favour of more
privileged members of the community (this is always true in any group that organises around political interests, as intersectionality teaches us)

However, what it does tell us, is that the kind of people who were engaging in trans politics in the mid-noughties, and one can infer
from this back into organisation in the 90s (all the historical documents I've seen support this), were overwhelmingly middle class white males.

This matters, because, although trans ideology cherry-picks bits and pieces of academic thinking, it was not created in the academy.
It was created in these kind of forums, which mostly involved a lot of lawyers, working out how to lobby for their rights, by which I mean, working out how they could construct a narrative which would allow them to claim access to the class of females.
It later went back into the academy, where its tropes were given a gloss of alleged academic respectability (yes, I'm looking at you Sally Hines, and also you, Maria Lugones, just for starters), and along the way, it appropriated the stories of almost every other marginalised
group (particularly trans WOC and Brazilian prostitutes and the history of slavery and the entire history of pre-colonial America) in order to cloak the desires and wants of middle class white males as the demands for justice of the most oppressed people in the world.
And it disseminated its tropes throughout the internet (there is an awful lot of white male tecchie people in there as we know), especially on Tumblr, where an entire generation of kids, with the worst mental health of any generation in history, were convinced that the liberation
of trans people (or, the right to override the material reality of sex with magic gender essence), was the single most pressing political issue, which, somehow, once achieved, would lead to goodness and truth and justice for everyone.

If only it weren't for those nasty evil
witches getting in the way.

And so battalions of foot-soldiers were created, (motivated probably by a genuine desire to do good (mixed with a fuckton of narcissism)) and sent out into the world, to bully middle-aged feminist women, in the interests of middle-class white males.
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