How feminist discourse leads to men perpetrating violence against trans people – an illustrative vignette.

Interior: a pub in England. Two middle-aged men are standing at the bar drinking lager and scrolling their social media timelines on mobile phones.
Darren: What?!
Steve: Hm?
D: Fuuck me!
S: What’s up Daz?
D: Well I don’t know where to start.
S: (with some asperity) Have a go why doncha?
D: OK, you know Sheila Jeffreys?
S: The lesbian feminist scholar and late professor of political science at the University of Melbourne?
D: Yes, that one.
S: Never ’eard of her!
Both: Ha ha ha!
S: Yeah ‘course I know Sheila Jeffreys, we was discussing ‘The Spinster And Her Enemies’ in the pie queue at the football only last Tuesday as I recall.
D: We was indeed Steve. Well, anyway I’m reading here a transcript of a talk she gave recently at a meeting in central London.
S: Yeah?
D: Yeah, it was about transwomen and the GRA and that.
S: Go on.
D: Well, you know how transwomen are women born in the wrong body but they’re definitely women?
S: Of course. Thanks for those pictures of Jacinta by the way, very ‘handy’ if you know what I mean.
D: TMI mate, TMI. Well, Jeffreys says they’re not, she says they’re just men wearing women’s clothes! Steve, you OK?
S: (now grasping bar with both hands, head bowed) Yes…it’s just such a bleedin’ shock…gimme a minute.
D: Take your time Steve, you want to sit down?
S: Nah mate. So…so all this time, they were…they were lying to us?

D: Well it’s been said by a leading feminist…

S: …and all men believe everything feminists say the moment we hear it – so of course it must be true. Dear Goddess. Does she say what we should do?
D: Do? No, nothing. She’s just expressing an opinion far as I can tell.
S: Hm. That’s a clear signal she wants us to violently attack transwomen.
D: What? Naaah. You think?
S: How well do I know Professor Jeffreys, Dazza?
D: Well put it this way Steve, if not for you I would never have read ‘Love Your Enemy? The Debate Between Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism’!
S: All you needed was to be shown the path Daz but yeah, point is, you would accept that I know me Jeffreys, would you not?
D: I really would…do you really think….
S: It’s what the Professor would want Daz, our duty is clear.
D: You’re absolutely sure?
S: Never been surer of anything Dazza mate.
D: Right then, I’ll go and stab one.
S: Good lad.
(Darren drains his pint and heads for the door.)
S: Oh and, Daz?
D: (at pub door) Yes mate?
S: Make sure you see his cock before you stab him, wouldn’t want you stabbing a woman by mistake!
D: Pfft! Like a man might attack a woman!
Both: Ha ha ha!
Note: although names have been changed, everything in this thread is true and definitely happened.
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