Thread: Secret Language of the Matrix
📜 "Ask & you shall receive" is the edited version

The true quote, edited out in the 4th century is:

“Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer

Be enveloped by your desire that your gladness be full”
1) Asking without hidden motive - limiting beliefs & assumptions

2) Surrounded by your answer - fully believing it has already been answered, it's in the works the moment you spoke it

3) Enveloped by your desire that your gladness be full - FEELING it all throughout you as done
The follow up in the Gospel of Thomas says:

📜 "when they make peace in this house, when the two become one"

This refers to thought + emotion making peace, becoming aligned as one force.

Thought + emotion = belief
Language consists of SPELLing 💫

Negative language is not bad words, but speaking in bad energy with bad motives

Known as Cursing, a CURSE ⚡

📺 Broadcasting = Broad CASTING

(e)motion = energy in motion

It's all connected
🔹 The emotion is what gets the energy to flow

🔹 The thought and/or spoken word is the specific SPELLing that is cast

This is why in movies with wizards like harry potter they say a phrase of words and point a wand
🔹 The words are the direction of where the energy, (e)motion, is being directed to flow

📜 "for by your words you are justified, and by your words you are condemned"

📜 "as you believe so shall be done onto you"

📜 "as you sow, so shall you reap"
📜 "seek and you shall find"

If he says "I always get injured when we play pickup bro"

He fully believes in this, he has spoken the word

...and so by his words & belief he will reap what he has sown
Emotions come from the lower half of the body
Thought come from the head

In the middle is where they meet at the heart ❤️

Thought + Emotion = Belief

The human organism is a 2.65 trillion volt electromagnetic antenna
You are the wand
Thoughts/words/language is the specific spell
Feeling/Emotion is the flow of energy

When the three are combined "you shall receive"

Genius comes from 'genie'
Granting wishes = the ability turn nothing into something

From idea/desire into physical manifest
Here are some secrets to optimize the 'wand'

Often we can create blockages of flow, now allowing ourselves to receive because our channel is blocked or offline

Ohms Law reveals more resistance = less current flow

"What you resist persists"
Allow current to flow
Optimizing the Wand💫

1) Dissolve Bondage - if you are obsessed with HOW it will be done you become closed minded

You must be open minded in order to pick up on the signs, the intuition, revealing the HOW

Assumptions & limiting beliefs. These block the flow of current
Assumptions show up with already predetermined expectations and opinions

How can the new flow in if the channels are blocked with the old?

Spend time writing down what assumptions, limiting beliefs you have

Once brought into awareness you can catch them and stop feeding them
You have two wolves. Fear & Faith - the one you feed grows stronger, the one you starve grows weaker

After identifying the old beliefs. Through repetition & affirmation install the new beliefs

I'd recommend listening to these audios while on a walk. Again & again for 30-90 days
1.5) Physical bondage - the channels of receiving are opened by giving

If you are hoarding old clothes you never wear, junk around the house.

Your channels are blocked, there is no space for your new to land and...
you sub-communicate there is not enough good flowing to you so you must hold onto the old

Get rid of the old (give away old clothes you never wear)
Clean the house

You're cleaning house mentally & physically to dissolve the resistance to allow energy flow + space for the new
2) Active faith

🔑 Make an active demonstration that your ask has already been fulfilled

This could be very simple. If your ask is for a date showing up in your life this month

Groom yourself, clean the house. Knowing he/she will be coming over soon
If your ask is for more clients.

Make a demonstration as if you already had them. Meaning maybe it's getting a software to organize client schedules or a physical book to schedule meetings

Attaching a aligned action. Thought + Belief + Action, held for a prolonged period...
Changes your vibrational radiance.

If you are aligned with that which you desire to attract.

Like a magnet is has NO CHOICE but to be attracted into your life
3) Be SPECIFIC & speak in past tense

Do not say "I wish for a lot of work to come my way" You will get work but maybe not pay, and wishing is a affirmation in not having

"Amen" means 'it is done' , the end of the prayer is suppose to be when you let go
You know it is done, you thank that it is done. And simply allow it to land in your life while taking right actions.

Example of Past Tense & Specific
"I am so thankful that I get to do what I love for wonderful amounts of pay"

Here's a subtle key...
Not too specific because that blocks flow "Ferrari on May 5th"

Remember results are reflections of a process. It's a effect from a cause. A reaction from a action

No need to worry about the 'thing' when you have down the process. So we 'ask' & 'thank' the process elements
🔑 Use one of these starter words, they attach (e)motion to the spelling

"I love...."
"I appreciate..."
"I am grateful for..."

Then final element to allow receiving to land is...
4) Awareness - Pay attention, look for clues, connect the dots

Answers, tips, and clues, may show up in a conversation, in a video recommended, in a tweet, in a idea that pops up into your mind
🔑 Things that enter your awareness, your interests, your inspirations are NOT accidents

They catch your attention for a reason. Decode it and you'll see through the surface level into the substance

That's all for now. More threads/videos to come

- Yous
Part II

Reading the Matrix
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