The impending Total War will unite fractions of the Right and Left to restore the essence of "FreeDom".

The Right want's to be "Free".

Think of the Left's "Dom" fulfilling its _material_ demands for _homesteads_/Domaciles.

The Great Compromise that will unite them???...
The Right will demand that they not be:

1) required to provide these subsistance Domaciles,
2) prevented from escaping the Left's social experiments.
The Left will demand _land_ on which to:

1) provide _themselves_ subsistance Domaciles,
2) conduct their (frequently totalitarian) social experiments.
As the Left is infected with totalitarian instincts, a much smaller fraction will peel off to join The Great Compromise than the Right. The vast majority of the Left cannot tolerate what _they_ define as "intolerance" of their moral crusades for "tolerance"...
...but which are, in fact, social experiments. Fostered by the nascent oligarchs, the Left is a nascent supremacist religion. We have been here before and it killed 25% of Europe's population in a drawn out Total War for religious FreeDom.
At that time, the principle that ended the war was His Region (Domain), His Religion: Eliminate religious "pluralism" by supporting a diversity of religions assigned to different regions...
Adherents of different confession were Free to migrate to regions practicing their respective religions.
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