I was born with a male name, a male body in fact I was a boy and even went to an all boys boarding school. I grew up and became an adult human male aka man, got married and fathered 2 children and then I started my transition currently on the waiting list to be seen. If you.....
Think trans women are women please explain how they got it so wrong and sent me to the wrong school or how I was able to provide the sperm and not the egg that led to my kids? Explain to me why I have so much body hair and don't have child bearing hips. Tell me why each month....
I dont have to mess around with tampons or a pad. Why I have never had to look over my shoulder while walking home late at night half as much as a woman does and why I've never been paid less than everyone else for doing the same job? Why have I never been ignored like my view...
Don't matter or threatened, doxxed and reported when I speak? If I am a woman then why has none of this happened?
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