No one seems to be mentioning one aspect of the Rowling tweet: Timing.

She’s just finished CS #5, so now’s a good time to take a quick break—wouldn’t want to be dealing with all this Twitter fuss while trying to focus on writing a book. Makes sense.
But this is JK Rowling, a woman who should have a PhD in planning and pacing of events. The woman who plotted a 7-book epic filled with threads and breadcrumbs, who knows exactly when to withhold and when to reveal for maximum impact.

A woman who plays the long game.
The Ickabog is currently underway. Thousands of people are checking her page every day for new chapters.

Thousands of parents.

Thousands of parents of girls, parents who would be appalled at learning about the toxic culture their daughters will be growing up in. 3/10
Thousands of Mums, most of whom will have used their female-specific biology is a very exclusively female way, or who will be grateful to the bio-Mums of their adopted children for having done that same thing.
Thousands of parents who are reading The Ickabog to their kids each night, parents who have probably been delighted at all the resources for scared, restless kids that Rowling has provided for free throughout the CoViD-19 lockdowns through “Harry Potter at Home”.
Thousands of parents checking her twitter feed to see the artwork by adorable little tykes who are wrapped up in her magnificent storytelling, with Rowling praising the kids, with personalized comments, the way only someone who really loves kids could.
Thousands of parents who might hear about the Twitter kerfuffle on the news.

Parents who will see her tweets from the weekend—even if they only follow the story on The Ickabog site, they may well follow up by checking out her twitter to find out what the fuss is about.
Thousands of parents who will read her calm, rational comments consisting of what most sane people would think are uncontroversial statements.

Thousands of parents who, in confusion, may check the comments to see what could possibly be transphobic about these statements.
Thousands of parents who will see the astonishing depth and violence of the trans activists’ misogyny.

I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but JK Rowling may just have engineered the PeakTransing of a generation of parents.

And the TRAs played right into it.

I’m just saying: Never play chess against this woman.

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