1) I’m going to post something that my wife posted but it’s gonna take me several tweets do it so I’ll link them altogether...
2) The BLACKLIVESMATTER. Is not about your life not mattering. This movement is about how from the start in this country it was never thought that black lives mattered. Some say well we have forgotten that along the way. NO you can never forget something we never had.
3) Black lives have always been expendable to some people. Black lives are the lives that actually made this country. It was the black lives that fed the community who do you think tended to the crops of the slave owner.
4) the black lives that cared for the children so the slave owners wife could breed, but needed to have the black life tending to her children. It was the black lives that were taking care of building the homes tending to live stock and basically building America brick by brick.
5) But let a black life try to get justice or go against the grain that black life was beaten and taught a lesson. or lynched and everyone just called it a day. It was on the backs of the black lives that built this Country.See in this country we want to cry that all lives matter
6) And we want to think the black community is saying only their lives matter. NO the black community is reminding us that their lives matter too.

People come on it is not this hard!!!! Stop trying to make this more than what it is
7) . The injustice in this world for really any POC has got to stop. And we must NEVER forget where we came from!!! Black lives remember where they came from and struggle everyday to fight to not have this country go backwards to where they have come from.
8) As a white society you don’t see the“privilege” we have because we have always had it so it is just another day to you. So for white people it is hard to see what is meant by BLACKLIVESMATTER because in reality as a white society you are always included.
9) It is a hard concept for you to wrap your head around the fact that the movement is NOT about you!!! So get in those history books dig deep open your heart not just your mind when you are reading and remember. Black lives know every life matters but it’s not about that.
10) Black lives are just reminding all of us to remember while we are all saying “all lives should matter”. Just make sure you remember that #BLACKLIVESMATTER Too. It really is that simple. And as I stated before if in any way I am wrong please correct me.
11) This in no way is meant to offend anyone. Well except if you are a white racist piece of shit who cannot accept that the world does not revolve around YOU!!!!!!
12) And before someone throws out there that there were white slaves and white men built this country. Again this is NOT about YOU......,,I hope I did this right I hope I tag them all and I hope I put the whole thing out there but I didn’t if you want I could DM it to you
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