Totalitarianism always flies in on the wings of beautiful ideals.

It lands gently, flatters you and charms you, makes you feel smart for recognizing how beautiful it is.

Do not be fooled. It is dangerous. Those ideals? They are not what they seem. (1/23)
Democracy’s ability to reveal value depends on its members being able to freely decide what they think, and what they say. 2/
How do we assess truth, and how do we assess value?

The “naturalistic fallacy” reminds us that that which *is* true (e.g. in nature) is not inherently that which *ought* to be true. Truth and value are, therefore, distinct and unique. 3/
Many on the Illiberal-Left fall prey to the naturalistic fallacy without knowing it, and so try to stop the pursuit of truth, due to their fear that the truth is ugly.

Sometimes the truth is ugly. That does not make it untrue. 4/
Some also imagine that the reverse (also a fallacy) is true: What has value must itself be true.

I, at least, take it to be self-evident that people can find value in things that are not true (see: flat-earthers, lizard-people are among us, etc). 5/
So it is possible for people to derive value from things that are simply not true.

But a kind of reverse-engineered naturalistic fallacy lives in some people’s minds: Ah, if I value this—or if he or she values it—then it must be true! 6/
But no. That which is valued is not inherently true. We deceive ourselves so very effectively.

Sometimes what we “value” is just those conclusions that are politically- or socially- expedient. They may have little to do with what is in fact true. 7/
Self-deception is a powerful force in the social universe. 8/
When considering DiAngelo’s “White Fragility,” the bible du jour, let us then ask:
- Is what she says true? Seems not.
- Is what she says falsifiable (and thus assessable as true or not)? No.
- Does what she says have value? It does to some. To others it does not. 9/
Now let us return to this: How do we assess truth and value?

Truth: if a claim can’t be falsified, then we cannot know if it is true. We should therefore not accept that it simply is, even when heartfelt, emotional testimonials stream at us, night and day. 10/
Next: How do we assess value?

Democracy is one response to this: Let the majority decide. If all members of a civilization are freely able to decide what they believe, then the majority position should have weight, moving forward. 11/
Once again: Democracy’s ability to reveal value *depends* on its members being able to freely decide what they think, and what they say. The First Amendment protects these rights for good reason. 12/
The question then, is this: Have the people who find value in Critical Theory, “White Fragility,” intersectionality, and the debasing of one population at the feet of another, arrived there of their own free will? 13/
I say *no*, many of the people who find value in Critical Theory, “White Fragility,” intersectionality, and the debasing of one population at the feet of the other, have in fact *not* arrived there of their own free will. 14/
We are seeing struggle sessions, loyalty oaths, bullying, more. History is repeating itself.

Totalitarianism always flies in on the wings of beautiful (sounding) ideals. 15/
Here is @BretWeinstein, warning us all, after our college succumbed to the New Religion, that this was not a niche concern, and that the troubles would not stay on campus: 16/
Here is Bret again, testifying before Congress. 18/
And here I am again, speaking at the Department of Justice. 19/
We are not alone. There are many, many, *many* people, so many people, who have been seeing, pointing, yelling, screaming that there is a problem. I will not try to name them here. I would miss too many. 20/
We are not alone, and you are not alone. It is quite possible to recognize the many long-standing inequalities in society, & to recognize the racism that does in fact persist to this day, while simultaneously rejecting the New Religion that is upon us. 21/
Do not genuflect before the New Gods. Do not admit to having original sin. Do not conflate “many people say so” with “it is true.” Be skeptical, be careful, and be good. 22/
Be good to your fellow humans. Be honest and honorable. Do not judge others by the color of their skin, or by any other immutable characteristic. Be kind, be grateful, be generous. And do not apologize for sins that you did not commit. /end
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