I’ve started playing low-level turnip bingo with these historic romances lol (I’m here for it, more turnips)
Another turnip sighting, score!
More turnips!
So far, Kleypas is the one bringing the turnips. Found two more!
I REALLY THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO ANSWER TURNIPS! (He said carrots lol.) Meanwhile, fyes to my girl Pandora wanting to talk about Darwin and suffrage and the real stuff!
lol turnip bingo is the best game
Found a stray turnip quote in my photo library! Guess I forgot to post. Kleypas really is the turnip queen, who even knew.
Omg I went back through Lisa Kleypas’ Hathaway series and it was like turnip Christmas. She really is the turnip queen, I stan.
The turnip gifts that keep on giving!
I’ve read two series by Kleypas, and in each there was one character who mentioned turnips regularly. With the Ravenels, it was West. With the Hathaways, it’s Leo — the quotes below are both his. Two of my favorite characters. Clearly I am drawn to turnipy types. 😜
Omg I did not expect to find a turnip in a contemporary romance! BONUS TURNIP spotted in a fictional dating app profile — lol thanks @AlishaRai!
A turnip sighting in @Zoe_Archer’s latest — and a turnip authority, no less!
This is YA fantasy and not historical romance, but still... two turnip mentions!
Re-reading this charmer after seeing a discussion of RL sham yesterday. Didn’t catch the turnips the first time! Penelope’s vegetarian concoctions pop up throughout the Girl Meets Duke series by @TessaDare so I may have to happily re-read them all with my turnip radar on!
Turnipspotting as I read Virginia Woolf!
Re-read some Ravenels tonight. Missed two turnip references the first time around! As usual, related to West. Kleypas is the turnip queen!
Another Kleypas, another turnip! She really brings it, I adore her casual turnip slinging (though I’m not sure what this saying means exactly lol)
A whole turnip!
Omg @meganf wins hands down for having the most turnip mentions in one romance. Truly, truly epic! Re-reading this and having a blast ✨
AND, in this same novel where the turnips overfloweth, @meganf works them into the HEA! Amazing. All hail another turnip queen! ❤️
Turnip sighting! It’s been a while! Reading my first @CatSWrites and totally enjoying it so far.
Turnip soup this time. Turnips and tears 😔
Discovered a Kleypas that I’d missed. Bonus delight: a turnip sighting!
LOL I do not recall any turnips in the books, but a turnip pops up in conversation during the notorious episode six of the Bridgerton Netflix series! What a surprise! 😆
Oh I got so excited about the first turnip drop that I posted before realizing there was a second turnip moment! Bridgerton keeps on giving lol
Re-read all the Ravenel books over the last day or so for my sanity, and discovered yet another Kleypas turnip I’d missed! Where’s West? With the turnips, of course!
Burning through @JoannaShupe’s Knickerbocker series — turnip spotted in Baron (book 2)!
Lisa Kleypas is seriously the turnip queen, I adore her. Turnips and sweetly tragic endings!
Kleypas again! I love her, and not just because a turnip sighting is practically guaranteed. 🥰
Rereading @TessaDare’s The Duchess Deal and caught a stray turnip I missed the first time(s)! Of course it’s in Penelope’s vegetarian sham, I should have known! ✨ I love this whole series.
Sarah & Jen of @FatedMates love the hero of Lisa Kleypas’ Dreaming of You so much that today is celebrated as Derek Craven Day! My contribution to the ongoing question of what Derek would/would never do: Derek Craven *would* eat Sara Fielding’s turnips. https://mobile.twitter.com/amillionsharks/status/1350653141759500292
A turnip sighting in @Zoe_Archer’s Waiting for a Scot Like You! It’s been a while since I’ve spotted a turnip in the wild, so I’m particularly delighted by this menu ✨
Lol I'm listening to @TessaDare speak with the adorable Catherine from the St. Mary's County Library and someone asked what was in sham and I immediately crowed "TURNIPS!" at my screen. And of course, being a turnip nerd, I had Penny's explanation ready: https://twitter.com/amillionsharks/status/1353149473648758784
Three turnip sightings in Loretta Chase’s infamous and iconic novel Lord of Scoundrels!
A turnip sighting in Beverly Jenkins’ classic Indigo! @authorMsBev
Lisa Kleypas, turnip queen!
Haven’t spotted a turnip in days, but just encountered a consolatory parsnip in the new @JoannaShupe!
Fantasy and not historical romance, but still... a turnip sighting! In Mercedes Lackey’s Magic’s Promise:
Contemporary, not historic (hey sometimes I branch out!) but still, triple turnip sightings in this cute romance by @JackieLauBooks (Also, like Sarah, I also enjoy turnip cake.)
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