To offer spooky distractions for myself and others, I’m starting #ShutterScares, where I write mini stories about random creepy photos.

I’ll grab pics where I can find them, but I’d love to credit photographers/artists if anyone feels like sending pictures 📸 RTs welcome 💀❤️
#ShutterScares #1

When we found this cave a few summers ago, we claimed it as ours, carving our names into its walls. Every summer since, it’s claimed one of us right back.

It’s just me now. Tonight, I’m going back. Maybe if I scratch out my name... Maybe.

📸 @emilyjanelovell
#ShutterScares #2

I wish we'd taken it seriously. If only we'd seen the signs. Every day, fewer cars and fewer people passing by, until they just... weren't.

I haven't seen anyone in weeks. My calls go unanswered. The TV shows static. Tell me I'm not alone. Please.

📸 N/A
#ShutterScares #3

I found a strange cocoon. There’s something inside. Slithering. Growing. It whispers for food. Insects. Small animals.

Today it wants something bigger. I’m returning now, cradling its next meal. I don’t think I would‘ve been a good parent anyway.

📸 @ysvyri
#ShutterScares #4

I thought it was an urban legend, passed on by bored teenagers, but they came after I recited the words.

I can hear them getting closer. Giggling and... singing.

“We, we, the sisters three,
You called us here,
We’ve come for thee.”

📸 kellyjeanhorror (IG)
#ShutterScares #5

Every day, there’s another empty desk in my class. And every night, as dusk takes hold, another silhouette seems to join the growing swarm in the sky.

What do they want? Are they us?
I swear they’re following me today, but I’m sure it’s nothing...

📸 N/A
#ShutterScares #6

My colleagues think it’s strange that I seem to know when someone will pass. They brush it off as another lucky guess, and I let them.

How could I even begin to explain what I see? One day, I know it’ll be my bed it’s waiting above...

📸 alexkonstad (IG)
#ShutterScares #7

When I moved in, I found this photo hidden inside a worn book left behind.

It used to be dark, blurry, but it’s clearer now. I don’t know what that thing is, but I do know where. That’s my building.

H-Hold on... Something is scratching at my door.

📸 N/A
#ShutterScares #8

At 2am every night, I’m woken by the sound of the doorbell. When I answer, there’s only darkness.

Yesterday I bought a doorbell camera and at 2am, this is what I saw... I checked again at 3am and they’re still there. Watching.

I won’t sleep tonight.

📸 N/A
#ShutterScares #9

There’s a rumour here that a boy was running across the tracks when a train came and tore him in half.

They say he searches for his legs every night now, so if you’re out after dark, don’t run. Never run. Or he’ll come for yours.

📸 @slimyswampghost
#ShutterScares #10

I work in removals and we’re guttin’ an old school this week. There ain’t many windows and new bulbs seem to blow by mornin’.

I’m workin’ in the basement today and the light behind me is flickerin’... If it goes out, what ‘appens?

📸 studioobscura616 (IG)
#ShutterScares #11

I was sure I’d missed the last train, but as I reached the platform, panting, a train was waiting. No-one got off.

It’s hard to tell down here, in the dark, but I think days have passed since I got on. I can’t seem to move. No-one ever gets off.

📸 N/A
#ShutterScares #12

I visit my mother’s grave at night, sketching by torchlight and embracing silence.

Tonight, I’m drawing a statue I’d not noticed, but I keep having to start over. I think it’s moving when I look away. I don’t mind. I’m finally not alone anymore.

📸 N/A
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