How to WIN at Affiliate Marketing


If affiliate marketing is so simple

Why don't YOU have any results?

Here's why...

As a reminder, here's how affiliate marketing works

+ Build an audience
+ Share your affiliate link with your audience
+ Get paid commissions

We sell OTHER people's products, and the merchant shares the sale with us.

So far, so good.

1. No Audience:

Building an audience is hard work. But it's also easier thank you think.


It's HARD because it takes *time* to build an audience.

It's EASY because *anyone* can do it.

So how do you build an audience?

Here's how...

2. Build Your Audience:

1. Show up every day
2. Stick to your theme

These two things are so damn important 🔥

We'll have to look at them a little bit closer 🧐

3. Show Up Every Day:

You have to post content *every single day*

No exceptions

You have 2 options:
+ Do it manually
+ Use tools to automate it

On Twitter, I automate my posts with Hypefury. Use my aff link for a completely FREE trial: 

Next up...

4. Stick To Your Theme:

Pick a theme. Then stick with it forever.

This is a HUGE deal:

+ You create familiarity
+ You stand for something, which creates trust
+ You will become KNOWN for your theme

Every time you switch your theme, you essentially start from scratch.

5. Whew...

All this talk about audience, right?

And that's just the beginning 🤯

Anyone can understand the concept of affiliate marketing...

But can YOU put in the work to build an audience?

If you think that YOU can do this, read on.

6. Trust:

Showing up every day + sticking to your theme

It already helps a great deal towards building trust.

But it's not enough...

You need to bend over backwards to prove to your audience that:

+ You ARE who you say you are
+ You DO what you say you do

But how?

7. Share Your Progress:

Whatever you are promoting as an affiliate, YOU should be doing what you're preaching.

Share your progress 📈

+ Daily steps
+ Successes
+ Failures

This is how you become a PERSON.

Your audience will respect you for that.

8. Help, help, help:

You help a person 10 times

They will be more than happy to check out the product you are recommending as an affiliate

10 TIMES?? 🙏


Be generous with:
+ Your time
+ Your expertise

That's how you *hustle* your way through the early phase.

9. When Does The Hustle End??

Early on, affiliate marketing requires a lot of *hustle* on your part.

But one day, you want to stop trading your time for commissions, right??


This is how you know that you're ready to take the next step...

10. High CTR (Click-Through-Rate):

When your audience
+ Knows,
+ Likes and
+ Trusts you

Then it's easy for you to get *clicks* on your affiliate links.

Result: High CTR 📈

11. High Conversion Rate:

You can't just sell ANY product as an affiliate.


You have to recommend the PERFECT product to your audience.

When you've found that, you're *conversion rate* will be high.

Now it's time to scale...

12. Scaling Your Affiliate Marketing Business:

This is the point where you build a funnel.

Funnel is:
+ A *step-by-step series* of content
+ that is perfectly built for YOUR audience.

I will talk about funnels in a future thread.

What you need to know for now is this...

13. You're In The Top 0.1%

When you've reached this point, you should already be making a full-time income with affiliate marketing.

You can re-invest your earnings to:
+ Learn about funnels
+ Have someone build the funnel for you

Let's summarize... 🔥

14. Here's How You Win:

+ Show up *every day*
+ Stick to your theme

+ Automate your content
I use this tool for Twitter: 

+ Share your progress, successes, failures
+ Help 10x more

+ High CTR
+ High Conversion Rate

+ Build your first funnel


15. Crack The Jackpot:

Affiliate marketing is one of the most fascinating business models I've ever done.

The *jackpot* combination is:
Blogging + Affiliate marketing

If you want to know *why blogging*, read this thread here 👇

And finally...

16. Congratulations:

If you have actually *read* this whole thread until now

Then I congratulate you. You have grit! 💪

Channel your grit into affiliate marketing.

Follow the steps above.

It's worth it.

Here are three *blog posts* that I have written.

They will help you even more:

"Most Profitable Affiliate Niches"

"Step-By-Step Affiliate Marketing For Beginners"

"Wealthy Affiliate Review"

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