This is for biotech insiders. What book about biotech, drug discovery, or industry influenced you? If you see one someone else has mentioned, Like it. Otherwise, append your own. Will give newcomers (and all of us) some ideas of what to read in our field.
Natural Obsessions by Natalie Angiers ( @angier58) about the discovery of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes by Robert Weinberg and others. I was in college still learning to do mini-preps.
Billion Dollar Molecule by Barry Werth about the founding of Vertex (that’s when I first learned about the person who would eventually become my mentor & for whom my firm is named).
Alternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower by Cynthia Robbins-Roth ( @biogodess), which as grad student showed me path to business side of science (via tech transfer, BD or VC, to executive), though I ultimately took a different path.
“Generic: The Unbranding of Modern Medicine” by medical historian Jeremy Greene ( @jgreene2). Every biotech exec should read to see how modern era of drugs going generic (ie patent cliffs) came about (lot of fighting) & why biologics will trigger reforms.
Lots of good ideas in replies below. Suggestion: when you append, please include link (ideally one that pulls up an image). And to reduce duplicates, please scan responses below to see if others have suggested your idea; if so, like it.
You can follow @PeterKolchinsky.
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