Crypto Question #1: What is going on at Okex? How come basically every day between 15 & 17 UTC, there's just a stream of Okex buying & yet you never see corresponding market sells?

It's to the point that certain indicators like CVD are getting skewed.
Crypto Question #2: How do you even mechanically unwind the BFX ETHUSD and ETHBTC long positions? The position has ballooned to such a size we're now talking a non-trivial % of the entire ETH market cap & significantly larger that the Feb 8th 2018 ETHBTC claim.
Crypto Question #3: Who actually runs the Fulgur Alpha hedge fund? We know Delchain "launched" it, but who's the fund manager / traders / quants? Only quote in all the PRs about investor requirements came from Paolo directly & only other quote came from a US citizen (Bruno).
Crypto Question #4: Where in the world is Ronald Aai? Cloud Token is the most underreported ponzi scheme in crypto & yet Ronald seems to be trying to thread the needle of exit scam, fake kidnapping, yet also trying to release a new version of the ponzi??
Crypto Question #5: Whatever happened to the 100k BTC Sergey Medvedev was allegedly arrested with on Feb 2nd, 2018 in Thailand now that he's plead guilty?

Was the amount ever confirmed? Seized by Thailand govt? Split with US govt who extradited him? Auctioned / sold off?
*17 to 19 UTC. Timezones are hard. The real Su would never have made such an amateur mistake. #ChadSu
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