Never ever forget the war crimes committed by the U.S military in Iraq.
Imagine what went on undocumented.... they raped, murdered, tortured, abused, stole, destroyed, terrorised innocent Iraqis. They’re not any better than ISIS.
What hurts the most is the fact that these savage mofos go home as heroes.... #USMilitary
This video, I will never forget.

US military helicopter firing at unarmed civilians in Iraq. The footage filmed from a helicopter cockpit, shows a missile strike and shooting on a square in a Baghdad neighbourhood in July 2007. 12 civilians were killed, including 2 journalists.

A van came to pick up the dead bodies and were also attacked.

These photos and videos absolutely hurt and break my heart but it’s my duty to share the atrocities committed by U.S army & the pain we Iraqis have endured over the past 2 decades thanks to AMERICA
In 1991, the US bombed an infant formula production plant in Iraq as part of Operation Desert Storm.

The US lied about it being a biological weapons facility. It was the Iraq’s only source of infant formula food for Iraqi children.
#USMilitary #Terrorists
Another horrific crime involved the gang-rape and murder of 14 yo Iraqi girl Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and the murder of her family by #USArmy soldiers on March 12, 2006. Other members of al-Janabi's family murdered by Americans included her mother, father and 6yo sister.
This is only one incident which was “caught.” This young girl is just one victim of many made by the Iraq war.

They took turns to rape her 💔

My heart feels heavy going through all this info. #USMilitary
This video­ sho­ws US sol­diers in Iraq taun­ting thirs­ty chil­dren with a bot­tle of water. “You want some wa­ter? Keep run­ning”

They’re literally teasing and laughing at these kids because they’re after clean water. #USMilitary
In this video some american soldiers teach some Iraqi children to say “bomb Iraq... fxck Iraq” in english. They’re laughing.

This is so disturbing. I can’t

I apologise for posting graphic photos/videos. Making this thread wasn’t so easy. I had to share the war crimes committed against my people. I’m hurt and my heart feels very heavy. I’ve seen these before and they still haunt me to date.
The U.S invasion of Iraq did not only create a humanitarian crisis, but also major economic, political, legal, military and strategic repercussions. These videos/photos are a few of the countless war crimes weren’t documented.
Please wake up and stop supporting/joining the UK & U.S armies.

I can keep going about their war crimes but I’ll just stop here. I hope you all learnt something new today.

And if you still support them then Fuck you and your armies.

Leaving you with this. #USMilitary

May our innocent people Rest In Peace.

LONG LIVE IRAQ đŸ‡źđŸ‡¶đŸ‡źđŸ‡¶đŸ‡źđŸ‡¶đŸ‡źđŸ‡¶đŸ‡źđŸ‡¶
I promise me there’re soooooo many incidents that have been documented and I haven’t included. One of which is the use of white phosphorus in Fallujah. I literally cannot go through anything else because I’m having a hard time. I only did this thread to educate people. 😣💔
Is you telling me your family members served in the army supposed to make me feel good? Fk off
Attaching this here. This is the guy in the first photo of the thread. That’s him now.
While you’re at it, PLEASE raise awareness about:

Sanctions placed on Syria #StopTheSanctionsOnSyria


Remember that Yemen, the worst humanitarian crisis is still under war,

Palestine is under illegal occupation and palis are facing brutality.
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