#Thread on why shree krishna was born and mysterious weapons used in mahabharata.

Following thread is bassed on my understanding only, not to hurt anyone’s feelings

Many believe that-

1. He was born to kill kansa
2. To make pandavas victorious
3. To establish dhama.
All these are true but we have missed few most important reasons-

1. To preach geeta- if you keep geeta out of it, then mahabharata seams to be a very normal story like Asatya par satya ki jeet, Also, dharma (not religion but righteous duty ) can be maintained by following it.
2. To destroy all kinds of divya weapons and mahayoddhas, so that kaliyuga could have a lesser sufferings.

To support my 2nd point, I’d like to add-

A) Barbarik, Ghatotkach’s son, could have finished the whole war in 2 minutes but he was made to sacrifice his life before
the beginning of the war by krishna. Now if krishna’s agenda was just to kill all the evil powers, his purpose could have been fulfilled, but he had an aim to destroy all kind of divya weopon, which couldn’t be fulfilled through the barbarik
B) He made karna to give up his kawach and kundal to indra despite of the fact that arjuna was capable enough to kill the karna with kawach and kundal.

C) All the sons of pandava and kaurwas, who could have got the knowledge of deadly weapons, were killed.
D) Ashwathama was left alive in the war, was cursed by krishna. He too had all kind of divine astras.

Why it was important to destroy these weapons. For that I’m giving you the name of few weapons and their capabilities:
1. Agneyastra- The weapon discharged would emit flames inextinguishable through normal means.
2. Varunastra- The weapon discharged would release torrential volumes of water. This weapon is commonly mentioned as used to counter the Agneyastra.
3. Nagastra- This weapon take on the form of a snake, proving deadly upon impact.
4. Nagapashastra- Contrary to the Nagastra, upon impact, this weapon would bind the target in coils of living venomous snakes. You can say a kind of deadly biological weapons
5. Sanmohanastra- Would cause entire hosts/armies to collapse in a trance.
6. Narayanastra- It had the ability to kill and destroy anyone or anything. No obstacle could stop it. It can’t be destructed by another weapon. The only way to stop it was through total submission.
During war it was used by Aswasthama on the 16th day of the war and Krishna adviced the Pandavas to lay down their weapons and toally submit to the Narayanastra. It can’t be destructed by another weapon. The only way to stop it was through total submission.
7. Bhargavastra- Parashurama gave this astra to Karna. It completely destroyed one Akshauhani of Pandava army. It was much more powerful weapons than the Indrastra and could cause total destruction of a planet if not retracted.
8. Brahmastra- The Brahmastra was believed to cause severe environmental damage, the land where the weapon was used became barren and all life in and around that area ceased to exist , as both men and women became infertile. There was also severe decrease in rainfall
with land developing cracks like in a drought. This weapon is mentioned in the Vedas as the weapon of last resort and was never to be used in combat . it was a weapon with a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. The puranas throws much more light
into this weapon stating “ An Incandescent colum of smoke and flame as bright as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendour.
9. Pashupatastra- One of the most powerful weapons among all the astras. Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature.
When released, the weapon summons several monsters and a huge spirit which personifies the weapon. Each time the weapon is summoned, its head is never the same.

If you think thats it, wait:
10. Bramashirshastra- It is thought that the Brahmashirsha astra is the evolution of the Brahmastra, 4 times stronger than Brahmastra.

11. Brahmandastra: This weapon is said to possess the power to destroy the entire solar systems or Universe.
If you think thats it, then you are wrong, there were thousands of such used/unused weapons in mahabharata.

Today, the world has a fear of nuclear weapons. Now, just imagine what would be the future if hitler would had any of these weapons.
It was very necessary to destroy all kind of divya weapons or divya person before the kaliyuga, else the Srishti would not be living today. These two were the ultimate goal. You think that after mahabharata dharma was established? true! But was it sustained? Eventually no..
because when it comes to mahabharata, we as a person feel proud either on raising questions or justifying, the character of dropadi rather following geeta.

Plz follow my youtube channel:
“Hathyogi speaks” as I’m going to narrate mahabharata since beginning to end, differently
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