How #Karma acts, how do we get rid of the karmic bondage and common #Karma misconceptions:

#Karma pool for any individual can be broadly classified into the following buckets: Sanchit Karma, Praarabdha Karma, Kriyamaan Karma and Aagami Karma


Sanchit Karma is an infinite pool of #Karma that has been created over infinite lives that an individual has taken. So, unlimited count of #Karma in this pool.

Praarabdha Karma is a finite pool that we are born with. We will die as soon as this pool gets exhausted. It is argued that since it is a finite pool of #Karma defined by our birth, there is a defined way of understanding it. This field of understanding is astrology.

Kriyamaan Karma is the #Karma that you are doing right now. So, if you are reading this tweet or I am writing this tweet, that is a Kriyamaan Karma for us.

Each Kriyamaan Karma generates an instant result and a distant result. This result is called Aagami Karma which is a function of both - the action as well as the intent behind the action.

For example, if I donate Rs 10 to a beggar, the instant result is that I am poorer and the beggar is richer by Rs 10 each. Distant result will be a function of my intent when I decided to donate.

If I felt proud to donate, the distant result will be that this pride will be countered in future in some manner when someone will show me my place in the universe. If, however, I feel compassionate, this compassion will be reciprocated towards me in future.

So how to get rid of this karmic bondage or cycle of birth + death. Our current birth is to exhaust Praarabdha Karma. We will keep on taking births till Sanchit Karma pool is exhausted. Since that pool is infinite, we will have to take infinite births to exhaust this pool.

There is no ‘karmic eraser’ in this universe which can erase our #Karma in one sweep. That’s when the concept of #Gyaan and #Moksha comes into play. It is important to note here that #Moksha is not a karma phala. But gyaan phala.

No amount of #Karma can help undo all our karmas as each of our karma is generating another karma in return. It is only through gyaan that we can get rid of this bondage.

#Gyaan is the realization that I am not the doer of any #Karma in the first place. It is our #Ego acting under the influence of our #Sanskaara that make us believe that we are doing the actions and hence we 'take ownership' of the action.

The souls who attained realization, do not exhaust their Sanchit Karma. They just realize that they are themselves that boundless, infinite being and not that #Ego acting under the influence of #Sanskaara

Now, the question is: as souls that are far away from realization, what should we do to maximize our chances of getting closer to the Gyaan? The first step is to start getting aware of our #Sanskaara and prevent them from influencing the intent of our Kriyamaan Karma.

For instance, anger/jealousy/pride/frustration etc are some common #Sanskaara or conditioning from our previous lives. We should get aware of them and instead of these, we should let Love and Compassion decide the intent for our actions.

A big mistake in the understanding of this concept is that we need to surrender the 'fruits of our action' and not the 'action itself'. Important to note that NOT DOING ANY ACTION is also an action in itself and will generate its own instant and distant actions.

So, instead of avoiding your responsibility, doing responsible Karma with Love and Compassion is what each one of us should strive to achieve.
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