Here's the thing about khive's Warren nonsense.

It's nonsense. Not even worth engaging.

Yes, they have free rein to say whatever bullshit they want. It's Twitter. That's like every other subject every moment of every day.

Are we really going to let that get to us?
Engaging with it, though, actually elevates the nonsense - pushing them up on Twitter's algorithms, exposing it to more people.

Engaging with them makes them more powerful.

That's not a good thing to do if we want to see it stop.
OTOH, blocking bullshit-spreading accounts is a *powerful* way to use Twitter's algorithms against them & keep ourselves sane in the process.

Actually, Bailey's a bad boy? Block.

Warren's bad for attending protests after Harris - as if protests were an original idea?

Even more powerful: spread counter-messages. Engage with and push positive content. Create your own, use different mediums.

Like, share, reply, retweet, QT. Befriend.

Push that positive content up. Spread it to more eyeballs.
We can't stop what foaming-mouth types are doing - khive, Rose Twitter, whoever.

I don't think Warren would want us to engage there anyway. She's actually been pretty explicit about this.

We've got better things to do than roll around in that muck.

Like cat videos.
Let's push Warren, block headaches and trust she'll do the rest, and everything will play out the way it'll play out.

We only have so much say in this process, and if we engage in toxic it'll just hurt our candidate and us.

We're here for something else.

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