The Nuremberg Trials

Held between 1945/46, these well-known trials laid out a number of accusations against the then leaders of the Axis: war crimes; crimes against humanity; etc.
[Besides Nuremberg, similar trials occurred in Lünenberg, Hamburg, Dachau... and even in Israel].
In Nuremberg, the focus of the trials was the way “Jius” were treated – i.e. the six million dead [...which at first, the soviets claimed to be 20 million, then 18, 16, 12, 9, 8, 6, 4.5...then they finally admitted that they made those numbers up].
Side note: Nowadays even mainstream historians believe these numbers range from 200 to 600 thousand. But it doesn’t matter – the number “is” 6 million. Period!
During 45/46, prosecutors rambled on about how “Germans had a plan of extermination” of immense proportions.

That's been hammered into the Collective Unconsciousness so efficiently that one can’t present any different angle to this narrative without quickly being called names.
What most people don’t know is that the Nuremberg trials were a bizarre display of irregularities, of blatant disregard for international laws and principles of justice.
[One may even ask oneself why the Allies would commit such absurdities if the “Nazis” were so clearly guilty]
First and foremost, new laws and all the arguments of accusation were created EXCLUSIVELY for that occasion and applicable ONLY to the defeated.
That is, as the panel of prosecutors was comprised of military men from the Allied forces, they had carte blanche to accuse the defendants of anything EVEN THOUGH THEIR OWN ALLIES HAD DONE EVEN WORSE THINGS.
How farcical were these trials?
Well... even before they started, Moscow told the soviet judge Iola T. Nikitchenko to tell the other judges that it had already been decided that the defendants were guilty and should be acquitted at any cost, no matter what.
Now that the scenario has been set up, join me for the next few days when we'll journey into the surreal facts related to this moment in history...and we'll see how deep the rabbit hole is!

Thank you for reading!
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