So my first impression of the Cutie Honey anime is that the episode titles are extremely badass.
Panther Claw For President
Cutie Honey's first fight against the bad guys begins with her ambushing some goons so she can sing her own theme song about how hot she is at them.
Imagine you're a professional thug and you get your ass handed to you by a teenage girl who's sings about her own breasts as she dislocates your shoulder and kicks your teeth in.
If you like old cartoons for the low budget weirdness and experimentation with style to compensate for having a budget of $2.77 per episode, if the first episode is any indication you'll probably like Cutie Honey.
Something that's great about anything Go Nagai related is that even the random monsters that show up are so god damn weird looking.
I love these stupid things so much
I'm guessing the TV versions of the Panther Claw balloons aren't also jet bombers capable of carpet bombing a school like they are in the manga. But they're still pretty sweet, if you ask me.
"Um, Mr. Nagai, sir. About the latest issue. So, it's a hot air balloon. And it's shaped like a panther. And they use it to perform jewel heists."
"But they also use it to carpet bomb a school and kill hundreds."
"Ok, but wh-"
"Fuck you, that's why."
The villain for the next episode is named TOMAHAWK PANTHER. Which, once again, is extremely badass.
Episode two didn't have the same psychedelic color palette and visual style that episode 1 had, but the preview for episode 3 looks like it's going to make up for it.
Weirdly enough, I put on the latest episode of Comic Books Are Burning In Hell and it’s about Cutie Honey. The guest just said she fell in love with it when she realized how much contempt Go Nagai has for the audience. See, someone else gets it.
So the cartoonist on the podcast I mentioned yesterday is named Katie Skelly, and I've never heard of her before now but after talking about how she ponders the episode where Cutie Honey gets crucified every Easter I'm gonna to have to buy everything with her name on it.
Love it.
According to the podcast I was listening to Seven Seas was going to release Mazinger Z but no one bought Cutie Honey so it got cancelled. If this is true I may have to swear vengeance against the world.
That's two episodes of Cutie Honey in a row where Panther Claw steals a building and moves it somewhere else by lifting it off its foundations with a hot air balloon.
Cutie Honey is good because this week her school is on a secluded island only accessible by helicopter but last week she jumped the fence and hitched a ride on the road that runs right past the gates.
Extremely convincing disguise.
The best part is the goons don't fall for it and there's literally no reason for her to pick that disguise. She's suddenly a lumberjack because someone decided she should be a lumberjack for 30 seconds and no I will not explain myself to you get back to work.
An underappreciated aspect of Honey's character is how she dead-ass roasts all comers.
In other news, Cutie Honey continues to rule.
I'm dying
Not sure how much I'm supposed to read into Cutie escaping Catholic school so she can go to Scissors Land.
This show is a gift
Always nice to meet a fellow fan.
That's supposed to be The Beatles, btw.
cartoons are cool
So Cutie Honey just pretended to be a statue of Marie Antoinette on the guillotine, distracts the bad guys by doing an ojou-sama laugh while dodging the blade (which is apparently real), and then grabs an ax from the knight statue next to her and cuts their heads off.
Her camerawoman look is pretty hot ngl
Walk into the club like
Oh shit Honey's gonna beat up Glenn Miller.
TFW you make a good tweet
So in the episode I just watched Honey cuts off two of the villain's limbs, stabs them in the chest, and then drops a nuclear submarine on them.
Let's roll
TFW you use the power of rock to smite evil
Honestly I could gif this entire episode. It's been a goldmine of really creative animation.
Big same
The thing about Go Nagai is he's this total weirdo who figured out how to hack the system and used it to poison the brains of millions of children across multiple generations and I think that's beautiful.
Another reason Go Nagai is good.
Of course you are.
So they still haven't explained why she's called Breast Claw ye--

Well, that answers that.
Thinking of asking Sister Jill to decorate my house for me.
Oh no
This is a hate crime against food.
This show is neat
SORCEROR (Universal Pictures, 1977). Dir: William Friedkin. DP: John M. Stephens & Dick Bush
For a murderous half-human abomination, the bee lady in this episode is pretty cute.
I love this show's color design.
LOL Honey's friends found out she's an android so she melodramatically flung herself off a cliff, way to be extra sis.
Looks like Panther Claw is attacking the school next episode, but something tells me the scene where her best friend gets burned alive by napalm didn't make it to TV.
Catholic school is just different, I guess.
"Spy equipment."
TFW you see her Airborne Element Solidifier.
She Reeks Of Murder... would be a pretty good band name ngl
Hmmm, what a not at all suspicious thing to say...
Hell yeah
Hate it when that happens.
It wasn't technically napalm but, uh, I may have spoken too soon.
Yessssssss. Traumatize those children!
If this were the manga Honey definitely would have left the teachers to die in the pit.
TFW the local paper stops syndicating "Marmaduke."
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