Ok girlies, kyngs queers and everybody outbetween. Im doing a thread on spending/money guilt. This especially applies to people who have suffered financially
For some personal background. I grew up middle class until I was 8 when my mom lost her job to the stock crash. Since then I would say I fit in the 20,000-25,000 income bracket.
I used to be really angry with my mother and how she spent her money. Essentially I would be incredibly frugal with money that wasn’t even mine. I had to learn to let go of that and understand that she just like me , is a human being. And that begging her wouldn’t serve me well
In turn, I have taken it upon myself to be as educated as I can on finances. And this is not easy as black ppl and POC have high rates of financial illiteracy. But something that does help is releasing yourself from guilt.
This is much easier said than done. We are all obviously still under capitalist oppression. I am NOT saying if you relieve yourself from guilt you’ll magically be rich and won’t struggle. What I AM saying is that we should treat ourselves with kindness when it comes to +
spending, just as much as people who are financially comfortable are. The first step is acknowledging that money is MEANT to flow. You will loose and you will earn. It is cyclical as is life. Remembering this will help remind yourself that it is ok to spend without guilt +
because it is meant to flow. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice discipline and just blow all your money, but just understand that there is balance in these transactions. Receiving and giving.
Also detaching yourself, your identity and your self worth to money is CRUCIAL. this is of course incredibly hard as capitalism incentivizes us to do this. Whether that be bragging about brands or blaming the poor. Especially considering +
our society loves to blame homeless people and their socioeconomic status as a product of their identities. People actively conflate lack of money with personal value. Unlearning this mindset will give you so much more freedom in terms of self love and forgiveness.
Once these things are achieved it will be much easier to be forgiving with yourself and your spending habits. And again this thread is not to say that you will become rich or that socioeconomic factors will magically disappear. We all live in a system that +
Continuously oppresses us and other marginalized groups VERY differently. This isn’t that self help bullshit where you should just “wish your oppression/problems away” this is merely some thoughts on how to make your relationship to money more guilt free.
And to release yourself from that toxic mindset. Anwyays hope this is of some help ✨💚 May money+abundance come your way.
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