Mention the name Benedict Arnold and one word comes to mind:


Benedict Arnold is a man who betrayed his country, secretly plotting with British generals to surrender West Point. Ultimately his plot was discovered, and Arnold's name would be disgraced for all of history.
But of course it's more complicated than that.

Is it possible the biggest traitor in our country's history

Was just trying to impress a girl? Let's take a look.
Benedict Arnold was born into a wealthy family in 1741. His grandfather, also named Benedict, was an early Governor of Rhode Island. Arnold's mother died when he was young and his father quickly spiraled into alcoholism losing most of the family fortune.
Eventually Arnold opened a successful apothecary but he began to become disgruntled with British taxation hurting his business.

He decided to join the Sons of Liberty movement
When the revolution broke out, Arnold found himself as Captain of the Connecticut militia. Working with Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain boys, Arnold successfully captured Fort Ticonderoga from the british.

It was around this time Arnold's wife passed away.
During the next 3 years Arnold rose up the ranks of the Continental army, serving General Washington in numerous campaigns throughout New England, New York and even Canada.
Enter Peggy Shippen. Shippen was the 18 year old daughter of a prominent loyalist family. Benedict Arnold became infatuated with Shippen, courting her in 1778.
Arnold had been wounded in battle and was on a brief leave from the continental army. He wanted to use Peggy Shippens money and prestige to reestablish the Arnold name as a prominent one.
But Peggy's parents weren't very fond of this radical Patriot courting their daughter. They weren't fiercely loyal to the crown, but despised the damage the war was doing to their fortune. Soon Arnold started assocating in more loyalist circles as a way to woo the Shippen family.
Soon a local politician named Joseph Reed began noticing what Arnold was doing and opened an investigation against him. This deeply fractured Arnold's relationship with other patriots.
Arnolds life had begun to spiral out of control. Reed's investigation was closing in on him, and Arnold began to spend lavishly and became deep in debt. Even through all this, the Shippen family finally consented, and Peggy and Benedict married in 1779.
Arnold soon began to believe the idea of independence was a mistake. It was in the spring of 1779, Benedict Arnold, some say on the advice of his young wife Peggy, decided to reach out to the British about switching sides.
In Arnold's mind, this was a business deal. He needed money and if he played his cards right he would get it from the British. Then he and Peggy would live happily ever after.
John Andre was a major in the British army and a personal friend of the Shippen family. Arnold and Andre discussed the possibility of him defecting, but Arnold still wanted to make sure he got the right terms.
Despite many doubts about his character, General Washington trusted Arnold and when he was ready to return to command he was welcomed back.

While serving in the continental army, Arnold provided Major Andre with troop locations and strengths.
In 1780 Arnold took over command at West Point and finally got what he wanted.

An offer from the British. 20,000 pounds to surrender the fort.

On August 30, 1780 Benedict Arnold accepted the British terms.
Arnold and Andre met in secret on Sept 21 to discuss the arrangement, but the following morning fate intervened and the boat Andre was
sailing on was attacked. forced to flee to land, Andre would end up being captured by three militiamen in Tarrytown, New York.
Unfortunately for Arnold, Andre had documents of his treason on him.

The plot had been discovered.

Benedict Arnold had been caught.
Benedict Arnold was supposed to be having breakfast with General Washington when he learned of Andre's capture.

He immediately left for British controlled New York.

Washington investigated the treason, and even offered to spare Andre's life if the British would return Arnold
On oct 2, 1780 Major John Andre was put to death by hanging in Tappan, New York.

As for Benedict Arnold, he accepted a position of brigadier general in the British army. But he never got his 20,000 pounds because his plot had failed
Arnold actually had many successful victories in Virginia and General Washington had pretty much had enough.

Washington told General Lafayette to find Arnold and hang him.

He never did.
Some argue Arnold was the better general at the time than General Cornwallis

But the british army would have never put Benedict Arnold in that high of a position.

After all he's Benedict Arnold. A traitor.
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