accepting that I'm a lesbian has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I want to share a few things that helped me because I just Know there are SO many women out there who don't know that they are lesbians/haven't accepted it yet and I want to help!!
this video by natalie wynn. as I was watching it I went through a "oh wow this sounds very familiar. oh my god no. oh nooooo" journey of realisation. she's amazing and funny too so it's really worth the watch
also, I've been surrounded by amazing lesbian (and non lesbian) friends who have helped me and talked to me through this!! I know everyone isn't this lucky but my point is if you have someone to talk to safely, do!!
this thread came out shorter than I thought but honestly that first masterdoc pretty much says it all lol. anyways!
pretty stressed about posting this but oh well... also here is another very important link 
for the record I've been out for five years as non-straight (identified as bisexual) - I've known I like girls for a long time but the hard part has been accepting that I don't like men. this obviously doesn't mean that bisexuality is a phase, I was never bisexual to begin with!
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