If you’re new to the movement, know that ending police violence is only the start. Concurrently, we must make America truly & equally accessible. Abolish predatory lending, properly fund schools, actively eradicate prejudice about Black pain so we get fair medical treatment...
Achieve real and comprehensive prison reform (please watch @ava’s “13th” and check out Bryan Stevenson’s work), stop holding us for years without trial, eradicate food deserts, stop redlining us out of our voting and property rights...
Stop making Black people sing and dance in every commercial, stop treating Black men as brainless sports bodies and criminals and stop treating Black women as mammy or magical or the angry other, hire us for our skills and not your guilt and pay us accordingly...
Provide equal access to small business loans, stop telling our graduates and military how to wear their hair, stop touching our hair, don’t tell us what to wear or how to walk, allow us to have a BBQ in a public park without fear of the police being called...
Stop racially profiling us, don’t support fashion that steals Black culture without credit and compensation, vote for our candidates, support our charities, sing along but self-censor at the concert when your favorite Black artist says the N word...
Stop with the lip service and change every facet of the system. Tear it down. That is the only way.
As many have pointed out, I covered a lot of these topics on my former late night show if you want more background on how change can be made. I’m not just tweeting random thoughts this week, I’ve been doing this work for years. Links below in thread.
Understanding how Black pain is treated differently
How Black people are doubly affected by climate change and gentrification (and redlining)
How systemic racism is responsible for the lowest rates of Black homeownership in decades
You can follow @robinthede.
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