I'm not sure how qualified I am to be giving out this advice, but I just want to share some pointers that helped me during #PitMad to get my Publisher!

- Firstly and probably most importantly, make sure your work is ready - it should be completely edited, revised and polished,
if it isn't, then take the time between now and the next PitMad to do all of this! This is your shot at publishing don't let that slip away by sending agents/publishers rushed/half finished work!
- Your pitch is everything, literally in this sense, make sure you've spent a good
amount of time on the pitch and it isn't just something you've thrown together this morning as agents/publishers will notice! If you're struggling with your pitch, reach out to the #WritingCommunity, they are always happy to help out and be another set of eyes on these things!
- Make sure you're tagging the PitMad hashtag, as well as the appropriate genre/age range hashtags - this way agents/publishers will have more of an idea if your novel is the perfect fit for them or not - don't be misleading!
- Have your query package ready to go if you get any agent/publisher likes you can get them sent over ASAP! This will be a hugely busy time for agents/publishers and you don't want to end up at the bottom of their pile if you don't have them ready to send!
- Be supportive of everyone else during the day! PitMad days are some of my favourite on here and I love spending the day reading everyone's pitches and retweeting - so make sure you are too!
- Finally, just enjoy the day! It's not a competition, it's just supposed to be a day of
fun and maybe result in you going on to achieve some of your literary dreams!

Good luck everyone! #PitMad #WritingCommunity
You can follow @Beckawrites.
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