A lot of people aren’t familiar with Thomas Senkara as they are with other black revolutionaries.This is a thread listing all of his achievements. Please note he was only in power for FOUR YEARS before he was assainated. #BlackLivesMatter #decolonise #Africa #Revolution2020
He vaccinated 2.5 million children in a few weeks. 2. He raised the literacy rate in Burkino Faso from 13% to 87% 3. He organised a campaign to plant 10 million trees to prevent desertification 4. He embarked on massive infrastructure projects to better connect the nation.
5. He encouraged women to work and continue education and appointed many to high government possessions and granted pregnancy leave 6. He outlawed FGM and polygmay 7. He sold the governments fleet of Mercedes and made the cheapest car sold the governments official service car.
8.he reduced the salaries of all civil service workers (including his own) and forbade the use of 1st class travel and chauffeurs. As president he lowered his salary to $450 dollars a month and limited his possessions to a few bikes 3 guitars a fridge and a broken freezer
9.He opposed foreign aid saying “he who feeds you controls you” ( in Tanzania the government was forced to privatise its state owned water company in order to access forgien aid resulting in water being cut off from impoverished communities)
10. He made the country food self sufficient by redistributing land from feudal landlords to the farmers who worked it and a result wheat production rose in three years from 1700 kg per hectare to 3800 kg per hectare.
11. He spoke out openly against neo colonisation through western finance ie. debt many African nations faced arguing how can the poor and exploited pay money to the rich and exploiting and called for a united front of African nations to refuse to pay there debts.
12.He converted the army provision store into a supermarket (the first in the country)13. He required public servants to wear a traditional tunic, made from Burkinabe cotton and made by Local craftsmen.(Too rely upon local industry and identity rather than foreign industry)
This is my first tweet so idk the best format. I made this thread bcse I saw many people quoting Mandela or malcom or MLK. I thought I should lpk about Thomas Senkara and his achievements. He deserves so much more recognition and he deserves to be alive now!
After you’re done reading Please can you retweet this thread to raise awareness of Thomas Senkara of what he did and take the time to learn more about his life. He deserves to be remembered alongside Malcom x MLK Nelson Mandela and all other black revultionaries.
You can follow @Isalhwh.
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