(1/4) Let's talk for a min about building a more representative government. It starts with the leaders we support and vote into offices far beyond the White House. Who are they? Do their values and lived experiences reflect ours?
(2/4) Today, the share of nonwhite electeds in Congress is less than half of the general population (22% vs. 39%).  We have just 3 black Senators.

(3/4) Who runs for office and how is colored by systemic and unconscious bias. Candidates of color, especially black and brown - face steep hurdles in raising $, endorsements and support when they campaign. White candidates often raise double their black and brown peers.
(4/4) You can do something about this right now!

I’m sharing amazing candidates of color running for Congress who want your help. Follow them. Support them. Volunteer with them. Chip in for them. Tell your friends about them. & then #Vote!

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