#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
On March 20, 1854 The Republican Party of the United States was founded with the expressed purpose of countering the Democrats plans to expand slavery in America.
Ulysses S Grant was put in charge of reconstruction. He had three responsibilities:

1) Rebuild infrastructure
2) Transition newly freed people
3) Restructure the legal system to protect the newly freed slaves.

These were Republican initiatives.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
The Union was restored without slavery. The Confederates (DEMOCRATS) pushed back against a slave-free South using legal means, Lawfare, to resist the freedom of slaves.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
The DEMOCRATS massacred over 50 blacks in New Orleans on July 30, 1866 at Mechanic's Institute. They tried to call it a riot.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

It becomes clear that the freed blacks are being persecuted by the DEMOCRATS in the South. President Andrew Johnson, a DEMOCRAT, refuses to listen.

Johnson impedes any military intervention in the South.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

Grant is elected President in 1868. He has a huge task; he must correct the botched attempt at reconstruction under Johnson.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
Grant is committed to integrating the blacks in the the United States culture.

Grant is the first President after the 14th Amendment guaranteeing equal rights before the law...

He was also the first President to govern after the 15th Amendment giving black men the right to vote.

Black men started to vote in extraordinary numbers. African Americans were elected at a state and national level in huge numbers.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
They established free public education for EVERY child. The South makes huge leaps, progressive leaps in integrating blacks and making it easier to succeed;

and then it fell apart.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

The Ku Klux Klan is founded and quickly becomes the paramilitary arm of the DEMOCRAT Party, manned by ex Confederate soldiers. They use their brand of vigilante justice to stifle the blacks and their freedom.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

Congress passes the Ku Klux Klan Act. Grant marched to the Capital with his entire cabinet to lobby for the passage of the bill. That is how strongly he felt.

The bill allowed the President to declare Martial law.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

The President and his military used spies and agents to determine who the leaders of the Klan were. They determined who the political leaders and Klan leaders were. The Klan was suppressed by 1872.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
After Grant leaves office reconstruction effectively ends with the Compromise of 1877, The compromise gave Hayes victory in a disputed election but called for the removal troops from the south, ending Reconstruction.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
With the death of reconstruction Southern White Supremacy was allowed to reestablish itself.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
It would take another hundred years to get Congress to enforce the Amendments created during Reconstruction under the Republicans and Grant.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
At the time of Grant's death he was the most famous American in the country and the world. At the time he was considered one of the 3 greatest Presidents along with Lincoln and Washington.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
At the turn of the Century history was rewritten by the Southerners. That effort was called
"The Lost Cause
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
The Lost Cause narrative was the South saying, "How did we sacrifice so much for something as bad as slavery," so they changed the narrative.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

They made it about States Rights and Independence, and that is the narrative that has persisted. Along with deminishment of slavery as a cause for the war is the diminishment of the role and heroism of Grant as President.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic

The South lost the war but they won the war of myths. Grant's legacy has been forever tarnished despite that fact that he led the fight that led to the emancipation of 4 million people.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
The parallels to the battle that is being waged is striking. The disinformation campaign is being waged in an attempt to tarnish the record of those that fight for the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, the GOP.
#ObamaGate @cspanwj @WarRoomPandemic
And to hide the crimes of those that have held sway over the lives of the blacks since they arrived on this continent, the DEMOCRAT Slave-Holders.
For the complete story I recommend the three-episode "Grant" mini-series on The History Channel. All content is theirs.

The First Civil Rights President
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