if you're interested in how this looks from a network standpoint, hashtag hijacking like this makes for much sparser networks than, for example, QAnon hashtags do: https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/1268215929193803776
compare this to the network for the QAnon Out of Shadows documentary hashtag (roughly the same number of tweets):
Implications: the whiteoutwednesday hashtag probably isn't being pushed by a coordinated, concerted effort like the Out of Shadows doc was. Far-right amplification networks are highly interconnected, using layer upon layer of follows, mentions, and retweets to boost engagement.
further, the intent behind hashtag hijacking is different than the intent behind boosting a conspiracy theory. I'm not a network contagion expert, but I'd speculate that the more diffuse network for the whiteoutwednesday hashtag is less contagious.
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