1. For decades, Donald Trump has been openly racist. In politics, he has consistently behaved as a racist demagogue. So let’s take a trip down memory lane for those who aren’t aware of this glaring, basic fact about the Racist-in-Chief, and his record of anti-black bigotry.
2. Trump’s first mention in the New York Times was for an article in 1973 about his “alleged discrimination against blacks in apartment rentals.”
3. In 1989, Trump paid a reported $85,000 to place an ad calling to execute five Black boys known as the Central Park Five, who were innocent. The youngest was 15 when Trump called for the death penalty. In 2016, even after their DNA exoneration, Trump insisted on their guilt.
5. In 2011, Trump began his years-long quest to mainstream the racist lie that Obama, the nation’s first black president, wasn’t a real American who was secretly born in Kenya despite evidence to the contrary. In the process, he emerged as a major figure in the Republican Party.
7. Also in 2016, Trump retweeted a white supremacist Twitter account called “WhiteGenocideTM.” It was part of the debunked, racist conspiracy theory of the same name.
9. A few weeks later, Trump called those marching alongside white supremacists and KKK members in Charlottesville “very fine people.” Heather Heyer was murdered by a white supremacist in the protests.
10. When Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, rather than working to save the 3,000 lives that were ultimately lost, he attacked black athletes on Twitter for protesting police brutality 15 times in one week, painting them as un-American.
11. In January 2018, Trump reportedly spoke about African nations as “shithole” countries.
14. This is far from an exhaustive list. There are quite literally hundreds of examples of racist comments and racist behavior from Donald Trump stretching back decades. The time for mincing words is long past. The President of the United States is a racist, anti-black bigot.
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