Alright. So. A brief, and not entirely pleasant, update on the #BlackLivesMatter fundraiser I've been putting together all day.
The fundraiser has roughly 40 prizes in the mix. Each prize has a photo, along with some commentary from the person who donated it to the cause. For obvious reasons, the formatting on this post was intricate. Biggest, most complicated thing I've ever built in our back end.
I was seven hours into the building of this post when our back-end decided it did not care for the number of photos and paragraph widgets I had threaded into it. The whole fucking thing is gone.
So. Solutions.
For starters, gonna have to delay the publication of the fundraiser by a day. Wanted it up first thing tomorrow morning, but that seems...unlikely. I need time to figure out how to work around this issue, and to redo the whole thing.
Secondly, I'm pretty sure that, to avoid this happening again, I will need to split the entire thing across multiple posts. At least two, possibly even three. I don't like that, because that means people can't easily share it, but...I don't see another option at this time.
So, once again, thank you to everyone who's kicked in a prize towards this fundraiser. I wanted this thing up in the morning, and that's what I told you we were doing. Apologies for the change in plans. Please bear with me as I rework this fucker.
Also, thank you to everyone who's expressed interest in donating. Nothing's been lost here other than my time. The prizes kick ass. I promise it'll be worth the wait. Thank you for your patience.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go smash things in my garage. (end thread)
(Also, before anyone else tells me: yes, I have been lol owned)
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