Great point, Darasia. Saturn is currently retrograde on the Fixed Star, Altair, seen in the constellation Aquilla which represents an Eagle. What c*untry has the Eagle has the National symbol?


Walk with me, talk with me, time for a thread.
In Brady's Book of Stars, it is said that Altair "represents the ability to achieve through risk-tasking or through dogged determination. This masculine star of action and strength, however, uses this action not just for itself, but for others."
Altair is said to hold the same nature has Mars, a known malefic and Jupiter. Notice the excessive force and violence (Mars/Jupiter) that is used by people in authority and power.

Read the room.
So here we are, watching people protest for Black lives after a p*g was about to get away with the brutality and murder of George Floyd, not just George Floyd, there are other Black casualties.

Black lives will always matter.
Saturn has a lot to do with systems, structure, fear, authority, rejection, punishment, isolation, consequence, oppression and justice. Saturn is domicile in Aquarius, so this energy is strong. Saturn is moving retrograde right now.
The LA Riots, which started during Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius on April 29th, 1992, began once a jury acquitted four p*gs of the Los Angeles P0lic3 D3p@rtm3nt for the brutal beating of a man named Rodney King.

Again, four off*c*rs. Sound familiar?
The actual beating of Rodney King happened on March 3rd, 1991, Saturn was at 2°49' Aquarius, within the orb of Altair. Saturn would not station Retrograde until May 17th, 1991, meaning Saturn was moving direct, in shadow.
Saturn was transiting (or visiting for the newbies) Aquarius and the fixed sign of Altair through Rodney's 10th House of publicity, career, reputation—The video of his beating would shock the U*A.

The video is on YouTube, but it's crazy. Watch at your own risk.
Transit Venus in Aries (in detriment, weakened), a planet of social interactions, was transiting Rodney's 12th House of suffering that night—which obviously went left. It was inconjunct his natal Mars in Virgo, the ruler of his 7th House of open enemies and legal matters.
Transit Venus in Aries (in detriment) was conjunct his natal Venus in Aries and Sun.

Mr. King's natal Venus in Aries is the ruler of his Taurus Rising, because Venus rules Taurus (for the newbies).
On a side note, Transit Venus in Aries was also conjunct (or next to for the newbies) the ruler of Rodney's 5th House that night. My man, Rodney was driving around after drinking and watching basketball with his friends. Very 5th House.
Transit Venus in Aries, weakened and detriment activated his chart ruler in the 12th, transit Saturn on Altair in his 10th—This event would shape Mr. Rodney's life, he would be known as the survivor of a horrendous crime at the hands of those possessing power and authority.
More context: I noticed that when planets are moving direct while in shadow, the events occuring during the Shadow period are intensely relevant during a Saturn Retrograde.

Within the exit shadow, we find conclusions of the events that transpired during a Retrograde.
Notice I say "a," rather than "the" as in "the Retrograde that follows the shadow within that time frame," a retrograde is a retrograde and things will be revisited.
Rodney King was relevant in 1991, in 1992, and even in death, he is relevant in 2020 because Saturn stationed retrograde on Altair. Regardless, he will always be relevant.

Rest in peace, Rodney King.
Saturn entered its retrograde shadow on February 3rd, 2020, 7:32am EST. I wonder what was happening in the U*A on February 3rd, 2020... Hmmm.... What was an important event? What stands out? Hmmm...
I wonder what was happening when Saturn stationed Retrograde in Aquarius on Altair on May 11th, 2020. Hmmmm, I don't know... Is that referring to something he said during the Shadow period? Hmmm, the [redacted] outbr*ak that happened in the [redacted c*untry] during the Shad—
Saturn stations direct on the night of September 29th, 2020 at 25° Capricorn.

The Fixed Star Terebellum is at 25° Capricorn. "Disgr—" Really, Google? No way.

Saturn does not leave its Shadow until January 3rd, 2021 at 1° Aquarius, on Altair.
What important events relevant to the [redacted c*untry] happen between September 29th and January 3rd, 2020? Hmm...

Oh, what's that? Eclipses? In Gemini and Sagittarius? Who has a—
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