Melle Rant: The amount of times I've hear "Antifa are fighting anti-fascists, it's in the name: and if you don't like Antifa-you must be a fascist" makes me want to hurl things at the speaker. A little history on Antifa. I'm sure most of you know this
The modern Antifa philosophy is taken directly from the group that they poach their symbol off- Antifaschistische Aktion. This was a militant communist group in 1933 Germany. Yes, in it's purest form it was fighting fascism and Hitler, but it wasn't for heroic reasons.
The group didn't fight Hitler, because Hitler was bad, abused power or killed innocent people. The group itself would have done all that to further their own cause had they rose to power instead of Hitler. It's leader Ernst Thalmann was loyal to Joseph Stalin.
Remember this was a time, when communism was responsible for the starvation of 4 million, although some estimates have it at 12 in Ukraine. They didn't hate Hitler, because they were "punching Nazis." They hated Hitler, because he wasn't sufficiently communist enough.
They viewed socialism and YES, Hitler was a socialist as the last hurdle to the state adopting communism. It's hilarious how fascism has become the ultimate boogey man, when Communism and ANTIFA's brand of communism has killed so many more.
Antifa isn't a peaceful movement fighting the fascist bad guys, but they do rely on the press and useful idiots to believe they are and perpetrated that myth. In fact, many of the off modern offshoots of Antifaschistische Aktion in Germany are virulently anti-Semitic.
Anyways communist groups have a long history of naming their organizations with propaganda in mind. North Korea has Democratic in it's name. China - Republic. One has to have some common sense to look deeper.
People often ask me why I don't support BLM, when I am in complete agreement with wide arching police reform. It's because their platform reads communism. Communism's purpose is greater than your movement, which it will discard when it uses you for power.
There are no allies in communism. There are only useful idiots who wear out their usefulness when they start to question, think for themselves or refuse to radicalize to the degree that the movement wants.
Antifa isn't a conspiracy theory. They're just garden variety thugs whose boot sole doesn't taste any different than a fascist. We are seeing what a widespread coordinated campaign can do. Antifa doesn't want police reform. THEY WANT TO BE THE POLICE STATE.
Lenin may or not have coined the term "useful idiots," but nothing could be more apt that what we are seeing now, but what can you expect from a population that get's it's history from memes and activism from virtue signaling. Moral of the story: stop being useful idiots.
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