my take on dabo when it comes to race and the likes has been pretty consistent: i understand how a poor white man who somehow parlayed meager physical talents into playing for bama, and worked his way to being the top college coach can't *believe* america ain't great.
he's a man who overcame legitimate obstacles -- i mean, he and his mother shared a bed when he started college -- and believes what this country and his savior did for him can also be done for you *if you just work as hard as dabo did*.
you can't explain concepts like white privilege to a cat like him because he can't look anywhere in his life and see where being white did anything for him. obviously it did, but he can only see what he and jesus did in america. and without defending it, i understand it.
but he's dead ass wrong about this, and that's not a matter of opinion. he's sadly oblivious saying "but we've got some good news!" to extoll the virtues of the lord and preach a message of forgiveness. and it doesn't sound like anyone asked "who needs to forgive whom for what?"
like, dabo seems to be acknowledging white folks should ask for forgiveness for *something*. but what in the world does he think black people should be forgiven for?

i guarantee he couldn't answer that. and that's why his good intentions deserve much greater scrutiny.
please understand i've been talking about race with guys like dabo for decades. it's why i can acknowledge him in a level sort of way.

but what i've learned is not one of those guys thinks their lives would be the same if they were black. even though they don't see color.
so something else to consider on this point...
in the 30 for 30 espn did on michael vick, he said something kinda profound -- you'll never be happy if you hate where you come from.

think about all the things you see people do to rationalize the awful things about their hometowns.
think about the nonsensical things you've heard people from the deep south -- white *and* black -- say to convince you "it isn't that bad" where they're from.
so if you're white and southern, the *only* way you can claim to be a good person and not hate significant parts of where you come from is with some measure of "both sides."

and the easiest way to both sides is "we're all born into sin." it's the easiest device ever.
actually, i'm over here giving him grace and firing his ass up at the same time.
anyway, somewhere there's an editor wonder why i didn't just write a f ckin column so i'm just gonna watch myself on tv.
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