My favorite game is "What do you think he is?". Let me explain. *A Thread*

Earlier in life it was fun for some of my friends when introducing me to new people to ask them, "What do you think he is?". We got a lot of guesses. Samoan, Jewish, Mexican, Italian...
...but oddly enough Black was rare. Some people reading this who know me may not even know I'm half black. I had a co-worker once tell me they forgot I was half black until I quoted E-40. I'm the kinda mixed that would have been a slave if anyone knew my parentage...
...but that would have been passed off as the slave-owners son to avoid embarrassment and no one would ever know.

So when I see black people post stuff like, "White people at these protests, this isn't about you. This is our movement, you can be an ally...
...Your job is to put yourself between us and the police to protect us." I don't know which way to go. Which is most disparaging in the criminal justice system: blood, skin tone, or socio-economic status? Is this my movement too, my kids movement too, or not?...
...I've had my fair share of run-ins with the police. A few speeding tickets, a broken tail light, a illegal right-hand turn, the occasional fender bender, we had to call them to the house when some drugged up asshole broke my buddy's windshield with some rebar in my driveway...
...I know lots of cops, and for the most part they're great people with great families doing important work.

But I know my situation isn't everyone's. I've had black friends with me during some of my police interactions and to see the change in their body language and speech... witness how differently some officers speak to and scrutinize them is frightening. To hear their stories of friends, family, or their own interactions with police and how different they are from mine is eye-opening...
...There's certain things I think all people should do to broaden our horizons, gain a more global perspective, and become more understanding and compassionate human beings. Work a shitty minimum wage job, travel outside the country for an extended period, stuff like that...
...I count being pulled over in Philly with 2 black teammates as one of those experiences that taught me the most about seeing from someone else's point of view.

So, what do I do with these experiences? How do I use my "light-skinned privilege"?...
...How do you vote when you have no faith in your leaders? How do you march when there's enemies hidden in the ranks? How can we help? How can I help? *End of Thread*
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