listen, i love b/ts truly do, they are genuinely the best people ive ever decided to follow. and i don’t want my own words to be twisted to seem like I don’t, but frankly right now with what’s going on i feel like I need to voice my own concern with the current events
im gonna say it, im REAL upset at ppl making black armys feel alienated, being called an anti/they’re throwing b/ts under the bus bc they voiced legitmate concern. stop being like “oh we don’t claim this person” you’re avoiding the issue, you’re ignoring that there’s people
in this fandom who don’t care, and the issue continues on. people are out there dying at the hands of those in power, and you’re concerned about an idol’s well-being when, frankly they are not in danger. of course the boys do matter, but with what I’m seeing
it’s awfully frightening seeing that people cannot differentiate between those who are actually there to send hate to them, and those who, OUT of their care and support, wish to see these boys aware and educated because like it or not, where they started was hiphop
and their brand was inspired by black culture, which has been acknowledged. that mindset of “if you’re not with us 100% you’re against us” that’s toxic! That’s genuinely toxic no matter how positive of a twist you try to make it seem. yes, we don’t want unnecessary hate, but you
NEED to listen before making radical assumptions. i wasn’t even going to say anything because I wanted to focus on the blm movement, but there’s lines that are being crossed that genuinely are making black ppl feel even less safe on online circles that they go to when
reality is treating them like SHIT. I could keep going but my point has been made, listen to black armys. you’ll start to realize they are individuals and not some hivemind that you’re antagonizing
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