Quick thread on why certain brands, teams and leagues have or haven’t released statements about the recent murders of Black folks by police:
So while you could argue Nike took a risk in signing Kap, they had the data to suggest they would likely profit.

Nike sales increased 31% in the wake of signing Kap. They had their cake and ate it too: They stood up for a cause while making money off that stance.
So if you’re wondering why your favorite brand or team HAS posted, it may be because they believe in the cause.

But it may also be because market research about their customers tells them it might help their bottom line.
And for anyone wondering why some statements are weak or nonexistent, look at the NFL. The NFL fanbase is largely bipartisan, according to FiveThirtyEight. The NFL posted a statement, but it was largely boilerplate and didn't say much. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-every-nfl-teams-fans-lean-politically/
Yes, of course some brands/teams speak out because they want to and understand, and others stay silent because they don't. But money talks. It's important to look at who profits from certain political stances, and remember financial motivations, esp when it comes to brands.
This thread is not excusing brands or teams for staying silent on police brutality. But hopefully, it provides some insight into why some speak out while others don't. It also serves as a reminder that some brands profit from taking a stand. Their actions aren't always pure. Fin
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