Have to address this because it's been eating at me.

A lot of my followers are here because I was helping lead a protest ( #SaveTimeless) over the cancelation of a television show that was about protecting history.
I don't care about my follower count. I never have. But I have noticed that my number has dropped over the past couple days. I imagine it's due to the sudden shift in content after being mostly MIA for over a year.

If you were here for a protest to save @TimelessSPTV, but it bothers you that I'm speaking up now, because #BLACK_LIVES_MATTER, then please take a long moment of introspection. Please reevaluate.

If you were willing to join me then, I am imploring you to join me now!
I don't really know the best way to help right now. I will admit that. I'm just doing my best to support. I'm trying to educate myself. I'm trying to use my platform, small as it may be, to amplify voices. I'm donating what I can to causes that matter and can make a difference.
You can unfollow me if you want, I really don't mind. But I am imploring you. PLEASE use your voice. Please stand up for what is right.
#SaveTimeless family, we raised enough money in a couple weeks to hire two helicopters to fly over SDCC and helped pressure a network to give us a movie.

We know our voices are capable of making a difference. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE continue to use your voice.
And if nothing I have to say makes any difference to you, then think of the time team. What would they do? Wouldn't they stand up for what is right?

Think of Rufus!

Please. I'm begging you. Stand up and use your voice.
Thank you. I love you all. Especially all of you who are still here and still liking and commenting and retweeting. I see you. I'm proud to know you.

I will continue to try to find better ways to help and be a proper ally.

If you would like to join me and you are looking for a good place to start: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co 
You can follow @EmilySchepker.
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