20 Lessons from My Life


1) Loyalty is underrated. It seems lost in the modern world. But it's there. And once tapped into, you will soar with your allies.
2) Blood will always be your blood, but it does not mean they own you, or will be your friends. They were just there, from the start. Do with this information, as you want.
3) Your parents are the reason you were born and got to experience everything in the first place. They may not agree with you, all the time, or you with them, but treat them accordingly to the fact stated earlier.
4) Your old friends are 'old' for a reason. Not all lifepaths flow in the same direction, at the same speed, and the same intensity. The flow of life dictates we all flow together, apart, or away. Understand this volatlity.
5) The friends you meet on the road sometimes stay in your life, but more of than not, they don't. That's ok. We all serve a very specific purpose for another. Timing is all. They know belong to the mozaique of your life's memories.
6) There are friends, and there are brothers. Understand the difference.
7) In the end, you can have all the friends, blood, or brothers, some time you must do all alone. No backup, no nothing. Just you against the world. At the brink of darkness, and the abyss. Slugging it out. For Immortality.
8) Money isn't everything, but it buys a lot. It buys pockets of freedom but it isn't it in itself. Money flows and is like water, and your relationship with it must be healthy and in abundance.
9) If you've never been poor, or deadbroke, you will never be on the grind, like those that have been. They have a burning desire to prove others, and themselves wrong. Which if you've been pampered, you don't have.
10) Money doesn't buy happiness, but without it you'll never be happy. Unless you're a monk, or have all your primal needs satisfied. Sex, food, drink, shelter. Then, perhaps, if in tune, with nature, it is possible. Most will need money to achieve their waves of happiness.
11) Not everyone is meant for online business, and working for themselves. Not everyone is meant for 9-5. Play to your type. But play it well, and fully. All in is a must.
12) You never know when crises hit, so you must plan ahead, and create buffers. Mitigate risk, but don't be a pussy, and still play for keeps. Take the risk. Take a chance on yourself. Always bet on yourself. There is single investment better than that.
13) Identify your skills, but if you don't have any, learn one that is intimately connected to your inclinations and desires. Leverage these skills with a single business model. Stick with this for 3-6 months, if results don't compound, then you can look for something new.
14) Your old friends can't help you with new bizz, you must make new allies, brothers and friends. It's all about leverage. Give and take. Be charitable, and kind, but don't be a tool. Don't leech, but humble and willing to learn. The sky is the limit, really.
15) Your mental and physial and spiritual health is always number one. No matter what.
16) Always take care of yourself first, before you even attempt to do so with others. You can't pour from an empty cup.
17) Lack of energy to do things is a vicious cycle. But so, too, is an abundance of it. Break the vicious cycle, and start putting energy in the tank, as soon as you can, your future self depends on it. No joke.
18) Understand the divine power of compounding effects. Small wins lead to big wins. Do 1 pushup today, soon you can do 1000s. This is no miracle. Just science coupled with time, discipline, effort, and vision.
19) Master the fundementals of your life. Sleep, nutrition, fitness. This is no rocketscience, but most overlook the simple things. Once you master these, you kickstart your first step to selfmastery.
20) All is zen. Understand that no matter what life throws at you. No matter. Crises, pandemics, heartbreaks, health issues, anything. You must retreat into Your Inner Divinity. You decide all. Your mind decides all. You are unfettered. And always calm. Zen.
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