your apologies are appreciative but what’s more appreciated is your FULL support for the black lives matter movement and justice for george floyd. i know many people are young, and unsure how to contribute the right way so, here’s some suggestions from me.
PASSIVE DONATIONS: many youtubers are using their adsense to donate to bail funds. bail funds are used to help protestors get bailed out from unrightful custody.

here’s an example of a youtuber who is doing that:
EDUCATION: i understand many don’t know where to get reliable information from and it is not my job to sit here to educate you on every issue. but, here are links to direct you to reliable sources and information
PETITIONS: every petition contributes for a push for the government to change their actions during this movement. new petitions are getting made every day. there are many threads, but

here is an example one to get started:
HASHTAGS: # are used to create conversation, spread new information, and provide updates for this movement.

HOWEVER, it is not to only chain spam. you’re basically doing the same as those celebrities who are chain tagging each other. if you’re using the # use it to spread info,
and trend important information to protesters, ppl who need new updates, and educating others. chain spamming gets it trending, but also please retweet what i’ve mentioned above.
OTHER WAYS: there’s so much that can be done, but beyond this, it starts with SPEAKING UP. if you see a racist/ignorant comment, SAY SOMETHING. if you have a friend who doesn’t know what’s going on, educate them. create conversation. if you’re silent, you’re not helping.
people do/say these horrific things because they don’t suffer consequences. start conversations with them, tell them what they are saying/doing is wrong.
there’s a lot of opinions about if you should talk about your favs rn. personally, i’m in between rn - just keep the same energy publicly about this movement. do not silence others speaking about this or label this movement are negative. it is harmful.
You can follow @filmfics.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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