Cuz as a kurd, we have been opressed for more than a hundred years now.
As a middle eastern, we are being punished for a crime that we did not commit in 2001.
As a neighbour to syria, its sad seeing childeren being killed, and no one talking about it.
As a part of iraq, its sad seeing my friends and family live in fear for 40 years, first from some one controlled by america, then america them selves.
As part of a muslim country, am tired of being held accountable for things we did not commit, but rather done against us.
As person that comes from a country thats rich with natural resources, am tired to be taking advantage of and controlled by powerful governments.

Our lives matter too, and we have been just as oppressed, never seen anyone stand for us.
Yes all lives matter including yours too.
But understand when we as non white people thats not from america, when we say all lives matter, our lives have really been in danger for us to say this.
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