So I was talking with my dad and he had a few key things to share about #GeorgeFlyod --- FOR THE RECORD: both of us have agreed that what happened should never have happened (my dad's theory is a third degree murder charge). (thread)
He was talking about the people around the officers. He has seen this sort of situation before and based on his experiences he finds fault in those people. In his words "They should have immediately called 911"
The operators can immediately get into the earpiece of the officer in an attempt to get him off George Floyd's neck. At the very least: there is even more recording of what is happening.
My key take away: in the future if another situation like this occurs, back up and call 911. I know that not everyone can have a clear head in such an ugly situation, but if this thread can make it so 1 person in the future calls 911, it is worth it to me.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I really am just trying to help avoid something like this from ever happening again in my own way.
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